Entry #21

337 18 19

Date: July 28, 2020

Time: 5:39pm

Alright um....okay...so I have an idea because this book is well, important to me and others (you guys) So, I'm going to ask a few of my friends to get Wattpad and just take photos of every single post I've made; all my stories, my reading list, my profile page, everything. (Or just write everything, but that will take forever.) Because when creepypasta researchers Wattpad accounts get mysteriously deleted and stuff the readers are left with no clue to the contents and the new findings, you know what I mean, right? I'll ask my best friend, and if you want you-yes you-can do this too. Remember this is your choice, I'm not forcing anyone to do this. I might even make a backup account later if I feel the need. Just wanted to let you all know.

Okay so do you ever get the feeling someone's watching you from your hallway at night? When your the only person awake and you can't shrug off the feeling? Yeah, that happened to me, specifically 1 am today. Just that feeling, no strange noises or anything.


EDIT: I watched a creepy video earlier that day so that could explain it. If you're wondering what video, I watched 'Jawbreaker 2' by MeatCanyon. (Youtube) 

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