Puppeteer summoning

899 36 41

Picture not mine

Created by Jaschicken

Warning: You'll be safe as long as you don't provoke him, ask him personal questions or flirt.


-yourself, and only you. No one can be in the same room as you, there can be others in your house, but they can't interrupt you.

-A sharp knife (I think any knife is fine but you'd have to ask the creator.)

-A puppet or doll (wooden or stuffed.)

-salt (to protect yourself.)

-A cross or bible (also to protect yourself.)

-One candle (anykind is fine)


-(For best results, do this when the sun is setting.) Make sure you have room all to yourself and the lights are off. (You can have the door open or closed.)

-Sit in the middle of the room with the candle in front of you. 

-Light the candle and place the puppet or doll next to it, but not to close or it could burn. 

-Once that'd done put the cross or bible in your lap, this will protect you.

-Take the knife in your hand and stab the doll or puppet than chant this ONCE, "I am alone, no one else around me to interfere with your visit, Puppeteer."

-Make sure your eyes are closed when your are chanting this. Keep them closed until you feel the room get cold. You can open your eyes once you feel strings wrapping around your wrist.

If you choose to open your eyes, talk to him like a NORMAL person. Don't initiate fangirl mode or talk about the other Pastas. Just talk about your day and what your hobbies are and stuff. If you mention his past or a touchy subject, he will strangle you.

If he tries to attack you yeet the salt at him or hold up the cross or bible and let the power of Christ compel him. (Seriously though, be safe.) He'll leave if you do this. 

If you choose to keep your eyes closed, don't move. He won't messs with you but he might brush a hand against you or move your hair. It's okay to flinch or move away from his touch. If you soon  feel comfortable, you can open your eyes, Puppeteer won't do anything just because you open your eyes. 

If you keep your eyes closed to whole time he will get bored and leave. 

Additional notes

When your done talking, make sure you thank him and be respectful.

If you throw the salt or hold up the bible/cross, he will leave your house. He won't stay around since he soesn't know what you're gong to do with that stuff. 

It's best to not ask him questions about himself (asking about his day is fine, though.) Also, DO NOT FLIRT WITH HIM.


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