Entry #25

288 25 5

Date: August 24, 2020

Time: 10:17am

My Chromebook's been super laggy and slow lately and for some reason sometimes my notifications don't notify me. (That's a weird sentence.) Not much to say, experience-wise. But I did have a creepypasta dream on Saturday. It wasn't serious it was me and some other person(s) playing would you rather (creepypasta version) and hide and seek. The would you rather was normal but the hide and seek was me in my kitchen hiding behind my island. There was a cabinet there that I opened than BOOM! Third-person point of view, some girl I didn't recognize was there in front of the cabinet, now dollhouse. The girl had long brown hair, I think she was Sally or Clockwork. Most likely Sally. Anyway, I think I was hiding from one of the Jack's (L.J or E.J) Note it was eerily mysterious and the front of my house either had all windows or completely ripped off. Outside I could see the woods. I don't think I was scared, probably just surprised or thinking it was a game. Then something happened that had to do with E.J in front of me. Not in a murderous kind of way no he was calm I was calm, it was more like playing truth or dare or monopoly with your introvert friend. Then I woke up. It's fuzzy to remember.

I really should eat something must stomach is rumbling....urch. One vote= one free cup of Maruchan for me.

Also, a person named Tim was on one of my homework assignments. Me and my best friend kept spamming, 'Masky' over and over. 


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