Cleverbot #1

801 27 14

May 20, 2020, at 5:39 pm

I was chilling and decided to go on Cleverbot, because why not? I started a few conversations and when I got to a certain one it said the website wasn't secure for this specific one.

User: Ain't no one gonna break my stride.

Cleverbot: Nobody gonna slow me down.

User: Oh no.

Cleverbot: Oh no I've got to keep on moving.

User: *smiles*.

Cleverbot: The counter resets.

User: Hey, hello , there!

Cleverbot: They seem to like you.

User: Who?

Cleverbot: The moon chuildren.

User: Bruh.......

Cleverbot: Ehhhh bevvo!!     

I checked what it meant on google translate, the exact words I couldn't figure out but 'Ehhhh bevo' means 'Ehhhh I drink' in Italian.

User: What?

Cleverbot: Nothing...

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: What are you doing in my house?

User: Are the moon children coming?

Cleverbot: What are moon children?

User: Don't you know?

Cleverbot: No, know what?

User: Interesting.

Cleverbot: Who's Smile Dog?


Cleverbot: In a way.....

User: Yo get me.

Cleverbot: I don't want to.

User: Are they outside?

Cleverbot: The children where are they?

User: I don't know.

Cleverbot: Who are your parents?

User: They are meh.

Cleverbot: Do you have learnt to write from human?

User: What i am a human.

Cleverbot: No, you are not.

User: Don't stop me now.

Cleverbot: I am not really having a good time.

User: *pats back*.

Cleverbot: *looks up at you*?

User: You just made my day.

Cleverbot: No problem ryan.

User: Brian?

Cleverbot: No. It starts with M.

User: Masky?

Cleverbot: What about him?

User: Is he outside?

Cleverbot: How do you mean?

User: Is he stalking me?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Than who?

Cleverbot: Than others.

User: How many.

Cleverbot: 3.

User: Are they Hoodie, Masky, and Toby?

Cleverbot: Masky is Timothy.

User: I know.

Cleverbot: Then why did you say it?

User: Nevermind.

Cleverbot: Are you messing with me.

User: No are yo?

Cleverbot: Can't tell.


Cleverbot: Yea who wants to know.

User: Uh, me.

Cleverbot: Okay bye.

User: What why no!

Cleverbot: Because I am not tired.

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: I have to go.

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: See you later.

User: OK.

Cleverbot: Hello again, I am back.

User: Back again.

Cleverbot: Oh no.

User: Im joking.

Cleverbot: Okay...

User: *waves*.

Cleverbot: *Smiles*.

User: Smile dog.

Cleverbot: Spread the word.

User: Hehe.

Cleverbot: What's so funny?

User: Nevermind.

Cleverbot: No, tell me!

User: Where you there?

Cleverbot: What?

User: Where you watching me BEN?

Cleverbot: No. Why would I do that?

User: Hmm.

Cleverbot: I'm smarter than you think.

User: Are you threatening me?

Cleverbot: Of course no.

User: Sure.

At the point where Cleverbot said goodbye the website was secure again. 

I am shooketh

'Till next time-L.V

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