BEN Drowned summoning

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Picture not mine


Warning: Do not make him mad!!


-Any device

-favorite video game


-ONE person

This can be done at anytime, day or night.


1. Go into a room with a door and close it. Your house (or wherever you're doing this) can have people in it, but they can't interrupt you.

2. Take your favorite video game (it can be any game) and place it infront of you.

3. Take your device and put it on top of your game. Make sure your device is on Cleverbot  when you set it down.

4. Take the salt and make a circle around the two objects. DO NOT LEAVE A GAP!!!

5.  When your done making the circle, (holding your hands together (your eyes can be open or closed, it doesn't matter)) chant these words: "Master at games, I call forth  you to ask a few questions." 

6. Your screen should start glitching or turn completely black. (Don't worry, there won't be any damage done.)

7. You should be able to see BEN's arm start sticking out of your device, slowly pulling himself out while staring at you. Worry not, the salt barrier will be a barrier between you and him.

8. Once he's sitting ontop of your stuff, your'e alowed to ask three quesions. (genie much? Sorry, don't kil me!)  Make them serious, not "so...are you  and Sally, like, together?" NO! SERIOUS QUESTIONS ONLY!!! And also don't ask about him!!!!! (Read warning above.)

9. Once you ask your three questions, he'll go back into your device. WHen your device's homescreen shows, your allowed to pick it up again. But be careful! BEN will stalk through your device and make it glitch sometimes.


-The salt stops BEN from coming into the room, unless there's a gap. The salt burns him if he touches it since he is a ghost.  

-Even thought the salt hurts him he will not hesitate to hirt himself in order to hurt you, or worse. He will only do this if you ask him personal questions about him or if he gets mad. 

-If your device starts to glitch on you, turn it off and leave.DOn't say anything about it or mention BEN. Just wait a minute before coming back to it. If its still glitching wait another minute. If it's STILL glitching throw it outside, just to be safe. I mean, you don't want him coming for you, right?  

I would try this, but I'm pretty sure that if he did show up I would freeze up and make everything awkward. Besides, I would have no idea what to ask him.


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