Scales of risk

789 23 123

Credit: XxDeath_HellxX


-You feel watched

-look at a fixed point in your room

-Don't sleep at night  


-You are very sleepy

-Eat less

-Dawn with wounds

-having rare dreams

Condemned🔪(sentenced to a particular punishment, especially death)

-See shadows

-Look at a fixed point in your room



-Eat a little or too much

-You are very sleepy

-Want to see blood

-Being in a bad mood

People in the most danger


100% (We all saw this coming)

They are the greater risk since researchers carry information, information that spreads like a disease, a disease that they must kill in order for them to live in peace. In addition to spreading information, they seek solutions, investigate dates, theorize, and try to decipher riddles that appear as their investigation continues.



They are in second place since they are the ones that can see them if an invocation succeeds and can obtain information by asking them questions, (even if it is only 1% since the other 99% could have invoked  another entity, it is a theory that the truth cannot be ruled out.) 



Apparently because only writing something related to them, although there is also a possibility that you have some information.



It depends on how much you read (like reading a research book) it can be 80%. But readers are not at much risk because they...well, read.

Ah, yes the risks...and then you have me a researcher that writes, reads, and summons them. Welp, I'm in trouble. Hope ya enjoyed the emojis.

'TIl my next research entry-L.V

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