Entry #12

391 19 3

Date: June 6, 2020

Time: 4:36pm

Nothing happened out of the ordinary last night. I did do a protection spell, in case anyone's wondering. I do have some news though; it might be bad or good. I've noticed my mom has been acting differant-It could be nothing- lately. She seems a bit paranoid. Yesterday someone was walking their dog in front of our house and she looked out the window and asked what they were doing-she said it out loud, not to the person. This won't seem strange to most people but here's the thing, this happens whenever ANYONE passes by our house. And to make matters worse, I think this research book will be VERY slow. My mother doesn't like/approve of my dream of being a paranormal investigator. She doesn't want me to research paranormal entities and such. Now, this could be because I'm watching Supernatural with her. The bad thing is she won't let me use my computer that much. The good thing is I have other ways to research.

I've heard that Creepypastas can affect/control families. I'm not sure if this is real or not, though. But, worry not everyone! I've got this!

'Till my next entry-L.V

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