Proxy theory

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We all know Toby, Masky, and Hoodie. (If not than....okay.) Anyway, Slenderman is real, ancient. So, why are his known proxies so recent? Okay, first of all, let's ask, why he even needs them. Well, humans are way more curious nowadays than, say, 500 years ago. If you've seen other people's research than you could have stumbled upon all the legends about Slenderman throughout the centuries. People took that kind of stuff WAAAAAAAAAaay more serious than now. We're curious and won't leave things alone. We see the warnings and carry on bravely, we doubt and theorize, we want answers! So, Slenderman needs proxies to protect himself and take care of business. Loads of people say that Masky and Hoodie aren't proxies, yet some experiences and encounters beg to differ. So, Slenderman being the intelligent being he is, took the opportunity of having proxies based on a web series, possibly KNOWING that people would think they don't exist. I've heard of researchers theorizing that they are clones, and well, this could be possible. I don't believe the actual actors that played Masky and Hoodie lead double lives or whatever, because there would be bruises on them and footage of them leaving their homes to do so. 

Now, for Ticci Toby, I think It's just how the story says. (I accidentally spelled sauce instead of says when I was typing this.) There are many Creepypastas, like a lot. So why are there only three proxies??? Well, I believe that, like Danganronpa, Slenderman only chooses the best of the best, with exception to Masky and Hoodie. This is also were the proxy trials fall into play. Slenderman picks out people that interest him and well sees which one comes out on top in the end. I don't know how many people are chosen or how often this happens, unfortunately. Because well, if seen people say its every five or ten years.

If the proxies were in Danganronpa they would probably be the Ultimate Proxy (Toby, because he is a killing machine), Ultimate Partner in Crime (Masky, It just fits), and Ultimate Messenger (Hoodie, because Totheark.) I would be the Ultimate Weirdo, or Ultimate Loner , or Ultimate Introvert.


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