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Okay, so I've been thinking and I just wanted to make something clear; I will be making theories one of my main things, because well, I think it should be one of my main focuses.  If you haven't noticed than I'll tell you I don't have that much research research. More-so theories than research. (It still counts as research I guess.) Just wanted to say that.

And I know a lot of people are wondering where I've been since my last update. Well, I was busy. I'm in the middle of reorganizing my entire bedroom. I'm moving my bed up against my wall, next to my window. So, I want to know what happens if I try an Eyeless Jack summoning.

 And, also I had my best friend over on Saturday; she's doing great, by the way! I showed her my research book actually. And It turns out she has Wattpad! (She even followed me.) Actually I think she might read this. 

I'm still making edits and changes.


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