Laughing Jack summoning

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Picture not mine

This was created by Jaschicken

Warning this is a life or death game! Continue at your own risk.

Only you can do this, you can have another person with you but it won't work that well.


- a bag of candy

-It has to be nighttime 

-a black or white candle 

-a lighter

-something to carve with

-a hand mirror

-a room with a door and lock

-a device to play music with


-Turn off all the lights in your house and lock everything.

-Make your way into the kitchen and place two candies on the counter. Make sure they have a wrapper on it.

-Once you're done with that, head into a room with a door. It can be a bedroom or bathroom. Doesn't matter what room, it just needs a lock. Make sure you bring your candy bag with you.

-Make sure the light is off in the room as you lock the door. Take your device and play 'Pop goes the Weasel'  and sing along. It doesn't need to be loud, you can sing quietly if you want but you have to say all the words.

-When you're done with that, turn off your device and carve 'Laughing Jack' into your candle and light it.  Stare into the hand mirror with the candle right in front of you. Say these words "Laughing Jack, Laughing Jack. A murderous clown who does as he please. I have a treat for you that I'd like to share...." Once your done with that, smash the mirror into  pieces and push it away from you. Blow out the candle and sit in silence until you hear laughter or the candy being unwrapped in the kitchen. WHat ever you do, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR.

-Stay as quiet as possible and turn on 'Pop goes the Weasel' until you hear a faint knock at your door. WHen you hear that, quickly grab a piece of candy and place it under the door. DO NOT TURN OFF THE MUSIC.

-You'll see a claw like hand slowly slide under the door before  quickly taking the candy you gave him. Keep giving him candy everytime he knocks. If you don't give him candy or the music stops for more than five seconds, he will try to open the door, but will realize it is locked. But that won't stop him from getting into the room, and you won't know until it's too late.

-This will continue until you run out of candy, leading to your doom, or when it's been about an hour and a half. You will hear him chuckle before hearing a poof of smoke, letting you know its safe to some out. He may stalk you I your dreams afterward.

Additional notes

-Don't try talking to him or insult him in any way. He will get into your room and string you up like a pinata.

-DO NOT eat the leftover candy, throw it away. It is poisoned and is watching to see if you eat it.

-When you're done with the game don't jump up in joy, all happy that it worked. This will  make him wan to come back and play the game, candy or not.

-You can have other people in the house but they should be asleep.

I was typing this during math class, no one knew.


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