Eyeless Jack summoning #2

874 26 35

How many times am I going to say this, PICTURE IS NOT MINE.

Created by Jaschicken

WARNING: You could lose a kidney...or both


1 person, others can be in the house.


-somewhere to sleep

-a dark room

-candle (any kind)

-a window

-your finger


(This works better at night, doesn't matter if its midnight or 3am, it should just be dark outside.)

-Take your candle and light it, than head to the window.

-Place the candle on your window (unlocked.) Than chant these words: "Jack I'm offering you one of my kidneys. I would prefer if you took this one" Now poke yourself with your finger on which kidnye you would prefer for Jack to have. 

-Now just stare outside for 10 seconds before heading to bed. If you hear noises at night, DO NOT OPEN YOUR EYES. (It's a deathwish)

-In the morning, one of your sides should hurt. Jack migh have taken one of your kidneys or checked to see if he wanted one of yours.

-If you have stiches on your sides than congratulations, you only have one kidney now!! If you have bruises instead than he didn't want your kidneys, so congratulations to you too.

Additional notes

-If you do this, you won't have to worry about him coming back ininvited. Unless, he liked your kidney and wants the other one. 

-If you wake up when he is taking your kidney or checking to see if its good, he'll just knock you out. But if you try to push him away or fangirl *cringes* than you're screwed, you'll most likely die.

-You can tell peopleyour sides hurt, but cannot show anyone your stitches. Because well I'm pretty sure that majority of the poeple who do this don't want to explain stitches to their parents.


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