Entry #8

512 19 11

Date: June 1st, 2020

Time: 2:03pm

I'm feeling really content about my analysis of Jeff's story. Today is a good day, which is, unfortunately, kind of rare for me. I'm a bit of a short-tempered person I must admit. I have a BUNCH of waffles in my freezer, about 64 waffles. (Fannon Toby, is shooketh.)

Last night my dogs were barking to be let outside and did the same to come inside. This is unusual for them as they love being inside. My dog Blacky, shows the most changes. Some nights he barks for no reason at all, and when I let him out he refuses to leave. He has the best sense of all my dogs, so I'm concerned about why he seems so distressed at night. The ticking of my wall clock is louder some seconds and quiet afterward, not sure why. Another strange thing that has been happening is, that the left side of my stomach hurts a LOT in the morning. I checked for any scars or stitches and found none, It can't be E.J though, right? 

Despite the weird occurrences I'm in high spirits. Music always helps me change my mood, which I'm thankful for because If not for music I would be stressed.

(I'm listening to Teenagers by My Chemical Romance, and it really makes me feel happy)

I found this picture on the internet so I decided I'll put it on my entry! Your welcome. I don't own it!

'Till my next entry-Lovesick

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'Till my next entry-Lovesick

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