Entry #18

382 18 15

Date: July 2nd, 2020


Nothing much has happened but I did have a dream that someone was chasing me with a chainsaw....but I think it's not related to the Creepypastas. Also maybe BEN could be lurking this book...just a theory. I mean, he made himself known, tried being creepy, and I wasn't scared or intimidated at all. So, he could be mad. On a possibly related note, I have trouble sleeping at night now. Seriously it takes me hours to sleep at night, I woke up 20 minutes ago.

Other than that my friend is good, and I made cookies!!! But they got stuck to the tray...

Anyway, remember the fourth of July dream I had? Yeah, you know the one, anyway, I want to see what happens so I've been trying Eyeless Jack summonings since yesterday. Only one per day, don't worry! Also, I can't sleep, I just can't. (read above)


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