Entry #23

308 17 14

Date: August 19, 2020

Time: 9:16am

Hello, okay so I'm starting school again, *sigh*. And I couldn't join the zoom meeting for some reason, and EVERYONE else was there. So please wish me luck as I've been having the absolute worst week.  But depressing stuff aside, I've got news bad and good.  The good news is I had another weird creepypasta dream! I'll give a summary. I was making some sweet sweet cash helping people....things (It's a blur) move boxes to houses. Note it was dark outside. Then I suddenly appeared at a crossroads in front of a small gas station. The roads were dirt). The three of us were going to summon Slenderman, Jeff, and E.J. A group-I think trio-of teenagers yelled "Hey!" and ran at me. I was with my best friend and I think Toby? I'm pretty sure we all had capes on, I think I looked like Batman. My friend dressed the same but in white. And Toby...well, idk he was in the back somewhere. And than the three of us ran into a forest with haze that was really thick. There was a gate that looked like it was from a graveyard. Anyway, we looked at it than ran back to the middle of the crossroads were we say Jeff's face coming up from the ground and ate the teens chasing us. So we ran to a little market/shack. I was carrying coins so I gave them to my friend we tried to call someone on the telephone in the shack. That's all I remember.

The bad news is I'm pretty sure I've got Slenderman stalking me, you see I've been hallucinating over the past week, it's quick though, for example, yesterday  while I was chilling in my bedroom I saw a blurry white figure on my right. When I turned to see it was gone. I've seen orbs too, from time to time. This could be straightup ghosts or spirits I'm seeing but who knows?


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