Masky Summoning

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*picture isn't mine*

credit goes to wolfbit1232

What you'll need:

Red candle 


Red chalk

 Your bedroom

open window

Picture of Slenderman (Real)



This is not an extremely dangerous spell, but the worst thing that could happen is Masky killing you or bringing you to Slenderman if you are not careful at all.

Step 1:

Draw 8 observer symbols (in red chalk) throughout  your bedroom 

Step 2:

After you are done with that, sit down with your back against the open window, be sure to keep your eyes closed at all times.

Step 3: 

Leave the red candle and make sure you light it up using a lighter/match at the windowsill, chant out loud: "Masky"

Step 4:

While you are saying the chant over and over, draw the Slenderman symbol constantly on the picture of Slenderman until you feel a presence with you. 


I'm not sure if you can use a drawing of Slenderman or if you must continue chanting even if he doesn't come. If someone can answer this that would be greatly appreciated. 

'Till my next summoning-L.V

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