L.J needs to stop

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Alright, so thanks to the awesome and wonderful @SpringLock_67 and  @TYtraccccck I discovered that I have been stalked by the Pastas for years and my friend has been stalked by L.J for who knows how long. I think I started getting stalked about six to seven years ago, but that' just a guess. Me and SpringLock_67 think that L.J wants me to join the Pastas or just is bugging me for fun. I assume that L.J is jealous of my friendship with other people and somehow wants to be my friend and be my only friend. I tried a L.J dream spell last night but to no avail. Me and SpringLock_67 did discover some gruesome hints and we think he wants to string up my friend because she may be one of his new victims. I have told my friend over and over to do a protection spell, but she is a bit stubborn. (No offense) SpringLock_67 and I suspect L.J or some other Pasta wants me to snap because well, over the past few years my childhood best friends have been very rude and ruined my life, besides my now best friend who is awesome. Anyway, I don't know if they (the Pastas) are doing this for fun or to recruit me or whatever. Because I'll have you know Lovesick is not going to be a proxy, no sir! My friend is coming over today so I will make sure she does the protection spell. I always knew deep down that I would have a weird and busy life but this? Never crossed my mind till now. Possibly because of my ability to withstand harsh conditions in life. It could have intrigued Slenderman. This explains why I don't remember how I discovered Slenderman. Maybe I saw him when I was younger? My memory is fuzzy around the time I was in elementary school. I don't think Slenderman could have been an imaginary friend though, as I have never had one.  If he wants to recruit me than my theory could be true, now I have made this theory on the Jeff the Killer story analysis. Which means the Pastas purposefully ruined my chance to have a normal life. This could be why they want to eliminate my best friend, as she is the best friend I could have ever asked for. This is a huge no no because apparently I can't live a normal life for more than a few months. This actually makes sense because my ex-best friends left my school and I was happy about it and made good friends. Then Oh my gosh, Creepypastas somehow become my new favorite thing in the world. And unlike any other fandom I've been in this one has been the fandom I have been in the longest. It took a while but I finally caught on to what's going on. So I guess the weird and optimistic Lovesick is not what they wanted. They want the broken, angry, heartbroken me instead. Which is me after getting catching feels and getting rejected AGAIN. Why do you think my name is Lovesick? I catch the feels way to fast, and I hate it so much, like please stop catching feels!!!! We need to find out a way to keep my friend safe, I don't think I'd feel like myself at all and be happy if she were gone. Which would make me lose my mind and just no. It's already hard enough for me since I can't relate much to other people. I mean, Jazzy, how the heck is that baby cute?!?!?!?!?!? AGGGGHHHHHHHHh!!!!!!

Whew, that was a lot. Well, I'm trying really hard to get a clearer picture so If someone can help me out I'd appreciate it. Comment if you want to help and message how you want to help and if you have information or ideas to help message me. Do not ask me any personal questions about my childhood as I do not feel comfortable sharing it, thank you.


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