Chapter 1 - Death

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Earth 1 - Central City

Barry and Team Flash were having dinner when Zoom sped into the house. He held Barry's dad in a headlock, while he said, "and the story continues, flash!"

Barry chased after Zoom all across the city, before Zoom ran to Barry's childhood home, where he grew up and his mother was murdered by the reverse flash. 

"Dad?" Barry called, "dad?"

"It's poetic, returning to your childhood home."  Zoom said.

"Jay, don't do this" Barry begged, "I'm begging you, I'm begging you, don't do this, please, take me! Take my speed again! Kill me! Come on, come on please! I'll do anything!"

"You still don't believe me, Barry, you and I are the same, this time, you will watch your parent die, JUST LIKE I DID!"

Zoom began vibrating his hand faster than the human eye could process, but Barry knew what was happening, Zoom was vibrating his hand fast enough to phase through Henry's heart and stop his heart. As Zoom raised his hand, Barry shouted, and began running towards his dad, but he could not do anything. Barry was in flash-time, screaming, when his dad died so it felt like his dad was dying for longer than he was, and Barry could not do anything about it.

Barry looked up at Zoom from his dead dad, and screamed with anger. He began to chase after Zoom but Zoom was too fast for Barry. 

Zoom suddenly turned and pinned Barry down, he said, "your dad was just the beginning. I will take the lives of everyone in your team. I will kill every single person you love. Then you will feel true pain, and you will become me."

"I will never become you Zolomon." Barry replied, before phasing out of Zoom's grip, and running back to the house, where he was having dinner before Zoom showed up.

"Zoom. H-he said he would kill you all, you need to go to another Earth, or hide somewhere. He said he was coming." Barry said, speaking almost in superspeed.

"Wait a minute, hold up." Cisco said, "what just happened?"

"Zoom. He killed my dad and said he would kill you all, you need to get somewhere safe." Barry replied, in a slower but still very fast speed.

"Okay then, take us to star." Joe said.

Barry quickly sped everyone to star labs, and Harry vomited.

"Ok" Joe began, "kids, in the time vault."

Wally began to protest, but Joe cut him off with a stern look that said it all. This was not the time to argue.

"Iris, take them" Joe said. "Now, what is our next course of action?" 

"We fortify Star Labs. Joe, go to the time vault and ask Jessie and Wally to come up with something, Wallace has an engineers mind and my daughter is a genius. Take Ramone with you. Allen, monitor the city, check speed sensors, cameras all over the city, sightings of Zoom on social media. Anything that may help us find where he is hiding. Your super-speed will help you find him much faster than any of us. Caitlin, we are going to figure out a way to steal his speed without him knowing it. Come on team, let's show Zoom what we are made of, for Henry!" Harry said, knowing he had to take the leaders position with Barry's thoughts all focused on his dad's death.

"A commendable effort, team flash, I have to say, I am impressed." Zoom said, standing up from the chair he was sitting in, in the corner of the room. "I am sorry, I will not be able to see what you all come up what in the end, because you are all - "

Zoom sped around killing everyone in the room but Barry.

" - dead." Zoom finished.

"Zoloman!" Barry screamed.

"Yes?" Zoom questioned, before realising "ah, I forgot, Wally, Jessie, Joe and Iris."

Zoom quickly ran around Star Labs, finding them in the time vault and killing them.

"Until the next time, flash." Zoom said, before running off.

Barry began to cry, but he realised there was still hope, before running off to Star City to meet a certain vigilante friend of his.

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