Chapter 3 - The League

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Barry woke up early in the morning, it had become his habit now to wake up early in the league. Barry was no longer the kid that would arrive at work late despite having super-speed now. He was now a man trained by the League of Assassins. 

Barry's first few days in the league were the hardest. He had grown so used to his super-speed, and when he joined the league, he found his life especially difficult as he was required to wear a power-dampener during his training in the league. 

Barry would have to wake up early in the morning and sleep late in the night. He learnt how to sleep in a way where he could rest more in a short amount of time, while still not drifting into deep sleep, so he could wake up easily and not be groggy.

Barry's daily schedule was simple. Wake up, train, eat, train, eat, train, eat, train, sleep.

He learnt how to use several different weapons, and he also learnt how to ride horses.

He learnt how to read people, based on their body language, how they speak, how they dress and how they interact with others.

He also learnt how to heal and attend to wounds. He learnt how to make herbal mixtures to treat infections and he learnt how to properly bandage and cover a wound, so it heals faster. He learnt how to recover from breaking a bone in a matter of days, even without super-healing.

By the end of his first week Barry was scarred all over his body and was tired more than he had ever been in his life.

Barry was quick to adapt to his new life, and he was more determined than anyone else in Nanda Parbat to get better. He would stay up late reading texts on how to beat a stronger or faster enemy, and he would get up early to think about those who he had lost.

At first, Barry was not accepting that his friends were dead, and that heavily affected how he trained. He was told by the league, that instead of trying to forget about his lost friends, he had to accept it and use them as fuel to be better.

Barry always had his lost friends in mind for every single second he spent in the league, and they were his main source of power.

After just two years, he was no longer the awkward skinny boy that lost all his friends, he was a composed and muscular man that could challenge even the arrow in a fight without his powers. Barry would train with Ra's al Ghul now, as he could beat everyone else in the league without breaking a sweat.

Ra's al Ghul quickly became fond of Barry and would help Barry train even after training hours in the night. He taught Barry how to hone his senses of vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch. He would show Barry how to ride a horse, even though he could run faster than the speed of sound, Ra's al Ghul thought it was important that Barry learnt how to ride a horse.

When Barry had to leave, he was given a gift from Ra's al Ghul, a necklace, with the symbol of a dragon on it. At first Barry was confused what it was for, but Ra's al Ghul said "it means you are one with the league, and you can call on us whenever."

"Thank you." Barry replied to Ra's al Ghul, extended his arm for Ra's al Ghul to shake, but instead was pulled into a hug. "You have in a way shown me what it is like to have a son, and I am very proud of who you are. Especially seeing as you were once an awkward skinny boy."

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