Chapter 47 - The Justice League

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Mount Justice

"So these are the people we need to recruit to form a team on this Earth." Barry said, as on a large screen several names and faces popped up.

"What about the JSA?" Kara asked.

"As far as I can tell, a lot of them never even got powers, and there was never a need for a JSA in the first place on this Earth." Barry said.

Kara looked over the names on the screen. "This isn't right. It says here that the 'Batman' has no special powers."

"No, but we did a little digging, and," Barry said, as another image popped up on the screen. "Bruce Wayne is his real identity. On this new Earth, he has been an ally and an enemy to your cousin. Remember, to everyone but Cisco, you, and me, this Earth is as it has always been. Anyway, he is a master of hand to hand combat, with a whole ton of tech."

"So Superman and the Martian Manhunter will be easy to recruit. I don't know about the rest of them though." Kara said.

"I can vibe them and bring you there." Cisco said, walking into the room.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Kara asked.

"Kara, Kara, Kara. The world is about to either come to an end or something, so I think resting can be done later." Cisco said, as Barry began to fall to the ground.

"Barry?" Kara said, holding Barry.

"I-I'm fine." Barry said, getting up.

"No, Cisco and I can get this team together, you need to be ready to lead the league in the battle coming." Kara said.

"I'm not leading it. You are." Barry said.

"Up for debate, but we need to get this team together." Kara said.


"Kal, it's time." Kara said, flying into Clark Kent's house.

"Say no more." He said, quickly changing into his Superman attire.

DEO Headquarters - National City

"J'onn -" Kara began.

"Crisis?" He asked.

"Yeah, I have a feeling you already know where Mount Justice is. Come there in your Martian Manhunter form.


Kara landed on the ground with a loud bang, leaving a small crater where she landed.

"Supergirl." A woman said, approaching Kara.

"Hi. We need your help." Kara said.

"Who is we?" Wonder Woman asked.

"The Justice League. I know, it's not the best name,  but we're forming a group of heroes." Kara said.

"No, I quite like the name, but unfortunately, I cannot join." Wonder Woman asked.

"Why?" Kara asked.

"I need to stop these wars. The land of men need me."

"If you don't join us, there will be no wars to stop. What's coming is the fight for the universe."

Gotham City

"Master Wayne, I'm afraid crime rates seem to be going up amidst the panic caused by the red skies." 

"Do you have any plans tonight Alfred?" The Batman asked.

"I was going to have dinner with Julia, but the city is more important." The man, Alfred, said through comms.

"Good, because I think we're going to be at this for a while tonight." Batman said.

"I believe that your old Kryptonian buddy may be here to help you out." Alfred said, watching on a screen as the crime in Gotham seemed to stop.

"Clark Kent only comes to me when he needs something." Batman muttered.

"Well this time it's his cousin." Kara said, landing in front of Batman.

"Supergirl. I'm sure even you would only come to me when you need something." Batman said.

"That something being help to save the world." Kara said.

"I'm guessing this has something to do with the red skies." Batman said.

"Yeah." Kara confirmed.

"So why do you need me? I don't have any powers, if you haven't noticed." Batman said.

"That's what I thought, but Barry said that you were a good fighter." Kara said, not realising that she said Barry's real name.

"Ah, yes, Barry Allen, I've been intrigued by him for a while now. The Arrow, right? I would say he trained with the league of assassins after the reform. He's your boyfriend, right, Kara?" Batman asked.

"Yes, even we did our research, Bruce Wayne. Now, come to this address as soon as you can, there are two more places I have to visit.

Coast City

"Hal Jordan?" Kara asked.

"Supergirl?" The man asked.

"We need your help. A crisis is -" Kara began.

"I know, the lantern corps told me about it." The man said.

"You think you can come to this address as soon as you can?" Kara asked, handing him a piece of paper.

"Yeah sure."

Cape Tribulation - Australia

"Aquaman?" Kara asked a man.

"Got any beer?" The man asked.


"Go buy some, then we can talk."


"Okay, I bought beer. Now can I talk to you?" Kara asked.

"You have a minute." The man said.

"The end of the world might be approaching, and we need your help." Kara said.

"You've got the wrong guy. I don't do superhero." The man said.

"You don't but you do help people. You've saved hundreds of people from jellyfish, alligators, sharks and other marine animals. Witnesses say that fish do your bidding, and you can talk to them." Kara said.

"No, I save them so they buy me beers. And people are crazy, why would a fish do my bidding." The man said.

"Don't play dumb. Hundreds of people have seen you ride sharks and create tornadoes. I think somewhere in you, there is a hero. A man that genuinely wants to help people. Just think about it. Come to this address if you really do want to help." Kara said, handing the man a piece of paper.

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