Chapter 18 - Reactron

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Barry stopped being a superhero in National City and began being a hero in the rest of the world so he could give Kara space to become a hero.

One second Barry would be in China, stopping an armed robbery, and the next seconds Barry would be in Europe, helping the police with a hostage situation.

Team Supergirl, meanwhile, was getting the hang of things.

Barry was doing practically everything in terms of support, making Winn and James feel useless, but Barry assured them that they were helping a lot.

At CatCo, the articles written about Supergirl were getting better and better. Barry realised he needed the interview with Supergirl and the lightning man, for Cat.

"Hey Kara. Can you do an interview with Cat? I don't want to make you do this, but I think it should be fine. The lightning man already said yes." Barry said.

"Of course I'll do it Barry. After everything you have done for me, it's the least I can do. How do you know the lightning man?" Kara asked.

"He was my friend before he became a superhero." Barry lied.

"Oh. Do you think you could get him to train me?" Kara asked.

"He normally works alone. I don't think he will want to, but I'll ask him anyway." Barry said.

"Thanks." Kara said.

At night that day, Barry and Kara arrived at CatCo in their superhero costumes.

"Hello Ms Grant." Barry said, vibrating his vocal cords so Cat doesn't recognise his voice.

"Well hello. So I would like to ask both of you a few questions." Cat said.

"Of course." Barry said.

"So Supergirl, tell me about you." Cat said.

"When I was 7, my planet exploded. We were harvesting the core of the planet too much. I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin, Superman, but on the way here my pod was knocked off course by the explosion of Krypton. I then arrived here, and my cousin had grown up to become Superman." Kara said.

"Wait a minute. Superman is your cousin?" Cat asked, making Kara fly away, angry that she gave away such a big secret.

"Now you. Your fast. Is that your only power?" Cat asked.

"I would prefer not to tell you that." Barry said.

"Alright, how did you get your powers?" Cat asked.

"I was struck by lightning." Barry said.

"Ok. Do you know Superman and Supergirl?" Cat asked.

"I know Superman, but only as a superhero." Barry said.

"And do you have a secret identity?" Cat asked.

"I used to, but now I am a superhero full time." Barry said.

"And what should we call you?" Cat asked.

"Lightspeed." Barry replied with a smile on his face.

"Ah, clever, because you run fast, and your trail of lightning behind you is a source of light." Cat said.

"Any other questions?" Barry asked.

"Yes, you seem to handle interviews better than any other first time superhero, you keep your answers vague, and do not answer all my questions. You also didn't mess up when you started off. Even Superman made mistakes at first. You seem to have experience, but there are no previous reports of a white lightning trail saving people. Why is this?" Cat asked.

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