Chapter 44 - Date interrupted

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"You can shower in the guest bathroom, I'll take out some clothes for you to wear. I know you'll probably finish showering really quickly because of super-speed so you can make yourself at home, but the kitchen is off limits." Barry said.

"Why?" Kara asked.

"I don't want you messing with my ingredients." Barry said.

"So scared of having to give me those three wishes?" Kara asked.

"No, more like so eager to get a second date with you." Barry replied.

"We'll see about that." Kara said, smiling.

"I'm also making pasta." Barry said, while thinning pasta dough.

"How did you hear me flying here?" Kara asked.

"I didn't hear it, I felt it." Barry said.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked.

"Come here." Barry said, motioning for Kara to go with him to the living room.

They both sat on the carpet.

"Cross your legs, and breathe." Barry said, as Kara took in deep breaths. "Not like that, breathe softly, focus on everything and nothing. At the beginning of time, there were 7 universal forces. 7 hidden energies that control all of reality as we know it. Now with that in mind, focus on them all. The Speed Force, Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum, Life force, Sphere of the Gods, Dimensional Superstructure, and the Collective Unconscious." 

A/N I know I said that there were just 4 universal forces, but I was wrong, there were only 4 in the comic I read. There are actually 7.

"Yeah, it's like I have a sixth sense now." Kara said.

"Really? That was quick, it took me much longer to understand how it all affected me." Barry said, impressed.

"Yeah. I feel so... enlightened." Kara said with a smirk, before using her superspeed to mix up all the ingredients in Barry's kitchen.

"You do know that your going to cook with me now." Barry said.

"It's a date." Kara said happily.

"Mmmm, this is so good." Kara said.

"See? So, where do you want to go on our second date?" Barry asked.

"Actually, I made this. But sure, you helped, so you get a second date now." Kara said.

"I sense a catch." Barry said.

"I also get my three wishes." Kara said.

"How about one, because I did do all the cooking." Barry laughed.

"2." Kara said.

"Fine." Barry said, raising his hands.

"So my first wish is that you tell me if you want to be my boyfriend." Kara said.

"You just wasted your wish. Of course I want to be your boyfriend. Why else would I ask you out?" Barry asked.

"You were sitting with Alex and Cisco, I thought they dared you to ask me out." Kara said.

"Kara, Cisco and Alex told me to ask you out, but not as a dare. They figured out that I lo-liked you, and told me to ask you out." Barry said.

"I'll need to thank them. I didn't have the guts to ask you out, and I think they knew that." Kara said.

"What's your second wish then?" Barry asked.

"I think I'll save that for later." Kara said.

"The wish expires when the date is over." Barry said.

"No. It expires when I use it." Kara said.

"I would argue, but I got a second date, so who am I to complain?" Barry asked.

A man then appeared out of thin air. "Hish kadish limt sist fisect jima. Timo limertu sebuaqu." 

"Meta-human on drugs?" Barry mused.

"No no. I forgot that you first dimensional's didn't speak the language of the gods." The man said.

"Your from the sphere of Gods?" Kara asked, making Barry look at here in questioning. "Hey. I was listening when you went all wisdom 101 on me."

"Yes. Your help is needed." The man said.

"Why?" Kara asked, irritated. The date was supposed to end with Barry taking her home and kissing her outside the door of her house, like what happened in all of her romance novels.

"Well, you see, a universe is in danger." The man said.

"So is this one, and 51 other universes." Barry said.

"No, no. These universes you talk about, the new 52 ones have time. The one I'm talking about has less time." The man said.

"What are you talking about?" Barry asked.

"The multiverse as you know it is only 52 Earths right now, due to the anti-matter wave. And the negative force is trying to take over all the forces. The sphere of the gods is harder to destroy, because they have an anchor. This anchor is another universe completely. Another dimension. The gods call it the Marvel Cinematic Universe." The man said.

"Why is it cinematic?" Barry interrupted.

"Because the gods like to watch them, just like you watch your movies, they watch their movies. Except for the fact that the movies are real in their realm." The man said.

"So why do you need us?" Barry asked.

"To destroy the sphere of gods, the negative force must first destroy the god's anchor world. In order to achieve this, they planted a man, Thanos, and gave him an army to destroy the whole universe. Thanos needs to collect all the fragments of existence, called the infinity stones, to destroy the universe. You need to stop that from happening." The man said.

"Can't the gods just do that themselves?" Barry asked.

"Barry, haven't you read any Percy Jackson books?" Kara asked.

Barry looked at Kara, wondering where she was going with this. "No."

"Well in the book, gods can't directly interfere with events in the world. I'm guessing that's what's happening here, right?" Kara asked, looking at the man who interrupted their date.

"Precisely." The man said, before teleporting Barry and Kara into another dimension.

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