Chapter 45 - Mount Justice

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A/N I tried to write that thing with the MCU and stuff but it honestly seemed really really cringe and just ew. I'll time skip instead, but here's a quick recap of what would have happened:

(Infinity wars/endgame spoilers)

Barry and Kara were basically transported to the MCU in their 'hero gear' and confronted by Iron Man and Thor. Thor through mjolnir at Barry, and it landed on Barry's chest. Then Kara picked up the hammer like it was nothing, so Iron Man and Thor realised Kara was worthy, and they stopped fighting. Then they whooped Thanos' backside, and gave the multiverse a fighting chance in the war against the negative force.

*Time skip - 2 years*

Kara looked up at the sky as she was entering CatCo, where she had been promoted to reporter, days after their fight with Thanos. "Red skies?" Kara muttered, remembering what Barry said about a newspaper from the future.

Her relationship with Barry had been great, and it was an understatement to say that both of them were the happiest they had been in their lives.

"Kara, we need to go." Barry said at CatCo.

"What? Where?" Kara asked.

"Just come with me. Cat's given everyone the day off amidst all the panic." Barry said.

"So where to then?" Kara asked.

"Mount justice."


"So this is the lab you've been fixing up?" Kara asked, looking around.

"Yep. Like it?" Barry asked.

"It's amazing. How did you get the name Mount Justice?" Kara asked.

"Well Cisco and Winn decided that the team we form is going to be called the Justice League, and because we'll need a headquarters, we called up Clark to do the heavy lifting, and voila." Barry said.

Kara looked around in amazement, "Wow, why didn't -"

"Why didn't I call you to help? We were going to, but Clark kinda did his thing and finished all the heavy lifting before we could call you for help. From there we figured this could be a surprise." Barry said, reading her mind.

Cisco approached Barry and Kara with his tablet in hand, "Well hello, girl of steel. What do you think of the place? Actually, you don't need to answer that, it's great. Of course it is. What are we gonna do about the negative force, you know, about to freaking kill us all!"

"Once we run the multiverse compounder, we can assemble a team and fight." Barry said.

"How do we fight the sky?" Cisco asked.

"I don't know. Global warming?" Barry joked.

"I can't believe you are the same person I met a year ago. You were all like 'I'm Barry Allen and you don't wanna mess with me. I can scare the heck out of people' but now your facing the end of the world with jokes? Freaking jokes? Can't you at least be a bit worried?" Kara said.

"What can I say, you changed me." Barry said, smiling, as he kissed Kara.

"So let's run the compounder?" Barry asked.

"First, you need to call it the Multiverse Merger. Compounder sounds kind of oof." Cisco said.

"Yeah I agree." Kara said, before she saw Barry's disappointed face. "Actually, I prefer compounder. I'm sorry, but Barry and I have had 2 amazing nights in a row, and I plan on making it 3 when this is all over."

"Oh god. Oh god. Can we just get to the merger." Cisco said.

"You mean the compounder." Barry said.

"Hey! It won't work without me. You either call it a merger or I'll vibe you to the moon." Cisco said.

"Sure." Barry said, smiling.


"Is it working?" Cisco asked. He had been blasting the merger with multiversal energy for minutes now, but nothing was happening.

"No. No it isn't. Forget it Cisco." Barry said, as Cisco collapsed. 

"So that's it? Our last hope, gone?" Kara asked.

"It should have worked. I don't think there is anything we can do now." Barry said.

"People." Cisco said, before fainting.

"What?" Barry muttered.

"Forget what he said. He's fading somehow." Kara said.

"Fading?" Barry asked, before looking at Cisco vibrating and slowly becoming more and more translucent.

Kara looked at Cisco carefully, "He must have used too much of his power. Like when I solar flare, but instead I think he's slowly fading away from reality."

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