Chapter 40 - Funeral

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"How are you holding up?" Barry asked, hugging Felicity.

"Honestly, not that good. You?" Felicity asked.

"Bad. Oliver was the last bit of my past that was left. Now without him, I feel an emptiness inside of me. Even when I was gone on Earth-38, it was always comforting to know that he was here. Living happily." Barry said.

"Well you still have me." Felicity said.

"And you have me." Barry said.


"Does anybody wanna say a few words?" Sara asked.

"I'm barely keeping it together." Felicity said, crying again.

"I don't know what to say." Thea said.

"Yeah, words seem... meaningless." John said.

"Hey. It should be you." Felicity said to Barry.

"Okay." Barry said. "I met Oliver Queen 8 years ago. When I first met him he was a broody man that, to be honest, was kind of a jerk. Years later, Oliver Queen is the opposite of a jerk. I like to thing that maybe I played a part in making him the man we knew, but I can't say that without lying. Oliver is the only one who can take credit for the man he is today. Standing here, one thing that Oliver said comes back to me. He said that guys like us couldn't be happy. He proved himself wrong, and when I met Oliver again after all these years apart, he was happy. I guess that just gives me hope, and if someone like Oliver could be happy after suffering all he has, then all of us can." 

"Oliver, you gave my life real meaning, I was a private bodyguard, and I became Spartan, actually doing something. Thank you so much, not just for being my friend, but for being my brother." John said, leaving flowers.

"Ollie, I-I wish things were different, but you told me death happened for a reason. I don't see why you deserved to die, but maybe now you can finally rest." Thea said, leaving flowers.

Slowly everyone left, leaving only Barry, John, Thea and Felicity.

"How did he die?" Barry asked.

"He was killed." Felicity said.

"Who. Killed. Him." Barry said, clenching his fists.

"The Reverse-Flash broke his spine. In his last moments, Oliver wanted me to tell you not to give in to the darkness." Felicity said.

"I need to go, was there anything else about Thawne you can tell me?" Barry asked.

"His lightning was black." Felicity said.

"The negative force finished taking over all the forces." Barry said. "Now I really need to leave, if things go well, we will meet again very soon." 

As soon as Barry and everyone else had left, Slade Wilson emerged from the woods.

"You did good kid." He said, leaning against a tree.

A/N This is what I would have rathered Oliver's funeral in Crisis to be like. I know it makes more sense for John to speak, but I feel like it should have been Barry. Also, why wasn't Slade at the funeral in the distance watching?

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