Chapter 30 - The Explosion

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Kara smiled wider than Alex had ever seen. She laughed louder than she normally did. Her eyes showed no signs of loss, and she seemed happy, despite not remembering anything.

"Here is your coffee, a spited pumpkin latte. This was your favourite." Barry said.

"How are my parents?" Kara asked, her parents must be really broken if she was 'dead.'

"Kara, they died when you were young." Barry said.

"Oh." Kara said, he smile dipping.

"But it was a peaceful death. Now they are in a better place." Barry said, realising his mistake.

"But not all my family died." Kara said.

"Kara..." Barry began.

"No, no. Clearly you guys are my family, here I am without any memories of you, yet I feel happy around you all. You all accepted me regardless of my memories. My parent's might be dead, but I think I found a different family then." Kara said.

"And that was the Kara cringe that we were all waiting for." Alex joked.

"You said I'm from the planet Krypton? What happened to it?" Kara asked.

"It was destroyed, but you and your cousin were sent here." Alex said, expecting Kara to sadden at hearing this, but she was still cheery beyond normal.

"Oh yeah. This coffee is really good!" Kara said, trying to lighten the mood, everyone was very sad.

"I thought you would like it." Barry said.

"Where is the person you said was my boyfriend? Does he know I'm an alien?" Kara asked.

"Yes he knows, but he left me on read for all my texts. You can meet him tomorrow." Barry said.

Barry then sped everyone back to Alex's apartment, upon Alex's request. At the apartment, Alex showed Kara old pictures of them together.

Through the day, one thought was going through everyone's head.

Was this better?

Maybe it was a gift in disguise. Kara was happier then she could ever be after everything she endured. Should they try restoring her memory, or should they just leave her like this?

The world may need Supergirl, crime fighting badass, but maybe it was time for Kara Danvers to finally get happiness.

Kara realised everyone was staring at her.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Kara asked.

"No. You're just really happy." Barry said, speaking for everyone.

"Am I normally not?" Kara asked.

"Well, you are happy, but not like this. There's always pain in your eyes, as if you don't think you should be happy." Winn said.

"That's nonsense. Everyone should be happy." Kara said.

"Yeah." Winn said, as a huge explosion sent shockwaves throughout the city. 

"What the hell?" Alex muttered.

"Negative tachyons." Barry said.

"What?" Clark asked.

"I don't have my speed for the next few hours. The negative tachyons canceled... Do we really need to go into the details? This explosion was orchestrated, and even the two of us can't save everyone. Kara can't use her powers." Barry said.

"How can this be the two of us? Without your speed what can you do?" Clark asked, as Barry smirked.

"I'll need you to fly me back to my apartment. Meanwhile, we need a way to restart Kara's hippocampus. Then her memories should come back to her." Barry said.

"Wait a minute. Are we just gonna do that? Kara's happy right now, genuinely happy. Are we going to just give that away?" Alex asked.

"No Alex, I have to do this. I couldn't live with myself if people died because of my selfish reasons." Kara said.

"No, Kara. Being happy is not selfish. You deserve to be happy. We can figure something out." Alex said.

"No, Alex please, come up with a way to restore my memories." Kara said.

Clark then flew Barry to his apartment, where Barry entered the guest room (more like his base of operations) where Gideon popped up.

"Hello Mr. Allen." The robotic voice said.

"Hi Gideon. Open project armour please." Barry said, before noticing Clark was still in the room. "Go!"

"Go?" Clark asked.

"The city is burning. You need to help evacuate and save people." Barry said.

"Right." Clark said, flying out.

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