Chapter 10 - The Flash: Reborn

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As Barry was walking back home, he noticed the bright sirens and the loud sound of police cars. An officer approached him and asked him to leave the area immediately. Apparently there was a hostage situation in a mall a kilometre away. There were dozens of armed criminals that were demanding absurd amounts of money and resources. There were hundreds of people in the mall and dozens of people guarding the hostages, all armed with machine guns.

When Barry asked why Superman wasn't helping out, the policeman said that Superman was over there, but was not fast enough to get all the hostages out without at least dozens of them getting killed.

Barry understood.

Superman was not fast enough.

He was.

Barry quickly began running away, just like the policeman asked him to, but turned into an empty alleyway and used speed-force energy to make a suit. Barry then ran to the hostage situation taking looking around, understanding his surroundings.

Superman felt a blast of wind in his face, and in his hand he saw a note saying 'here to save the day for you' and a smile crept up Superman's face. His best friend was back in the superhero business!

Less than a second after Superman felt the blast of wind on his face, all of the hostages were out of the mall, and a second after that, all the criminals were outside of the mall, handcuffed and with their pants on their heads.

Superman noticed the white lightning and the direction it was going in when it passed him, so Superman flew after it.

"You know, I always assumed you were a good superhero, but I never thought you were so good!" Superman said.

"Haha, yeah, I'm gonna give you a run for your money Kansas." Barry joked.

"I'm sure you are." Superman said, almost sarcastically.

"Oh, you don't think so? Watch me." Barry said.

"You know what, it might be nice having a sidekick. I'll have less work to do." Superman taunted.

"Oh yeah? Watch me do all the saving, you can do all the watching, I don't mind." Barry said, enjoying the friendly banter.

"I guess that means your going to be a superhero here now?" Superman asked.

"Yeah, well, gotta run. This world needs the best superhero in the world." Barry taunted, before running off, leaving the flash burning on the ground.

Superman then put the fire out with his freeze breath and flew back to metropolis. From the air he could see a trail of white lightning everywhere in the city, and he knew it was Barry saving people.

After Barry stopped all the crime in National City within minutes, Barry moved on to all the other cities in the area, and in a few hours, Barry had single-handedly wiped out all the crime on the west coast.

A/N i know that national city is on the west coast because of a useful map Cisco drew on the flash.

Barry realised that he had never gone this fast before, and right when he was thinking about his super-metabolism, he felt a bit faint, and knew he had to eat a lot of food

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Barry realised that he had never gone this fast before, and right when he was thinking about his super-metabolism, he felt a bit faint, and knew he had to eat a lot of food. Barry created a hundred cheeseburgers and ate them all in a few minutes, but he still felt hungry. Barry then created 500 more cheeseburgers, and some fries to go with it. Finally, Barry felt fed, and decided to (super-speed) jog over to Metropolis to talk to Clark. When Barry got to Metropolis City, it was already the morning, as Barry stopped crime on the way. Barry used speed-force energy to change his super-suit into normal clothes.

Barry knocked on the door of Clark's house, and was greeted by a very sleepy Lois Lane.

"Waking up isn't fun without your breakfast." Lois complained.

"Clark hasn't been cooking for you?" Barry asked.

"Yes, he has. That's the problem." Lois said, making Barry laugh.

Clark then walked out of his room, and asked Barry for breakfast.

Barry then obliged and made a nice spread of different foods for Clark and Lois.

"So Barry, it's been less than 12 hours since I last saw you, what brings you here?" Clark asked.

"What do you mean 12 hours?" Barry asked, before interrupting himself, "it's already been - oh yeah, I guess time passes a lot slower for me when I run."

Clark and Lois were busy eating Barry's breakfast, that when the twins sneaked up on them, Clark didn't notice, even with his siper-hearing. Clark fell iff his chair when the twins scared him, and Barry began laughing with the twins.

"You, you put them up to this, didn't you?" Clark said

"Maybe I did. What are you gonna do about it Kansas?" Barry taunted.

Clark sighed, while the twins ran to Barry, each grabbing one leg each.

"Oh god Barry, when you left these two didn't stop crying for days. Please, stay here, I need your help with the twins and I absolutely need your breakfasts." Lois joke-pleaded.

"I cant, but, how about this, I'll visit you guys every week if I can?" Barry suggested.

"Deal." Clark and Lois said at the same time.

"You guys should come to National soon, it's a quite nice place." Barry said.

"We'll come, but we can't really pop over like you, we'll need to book a place to stay and stuff, Lois refuses to come high-speed flying with me." Clark said.

"I can run you there?" Barry offered.

"If you let me use the experience with the Daily Planet?"

"Helping the competitor? Barry Allen wouldn't do it, but I guess the superhero side of him can make an exception." Barry said, "anyway, I gotta run, don't wanna be late for CatCo with all the news about this new superhero, I'll need to be there."

"See you next week." Lois and Clark said, both giving Barry a hug.

"Ba-bye uncle Barry!" The twins both said.

"Gotta run!" Barry said, before speeding off.

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