Chapter 31 - Iron Man

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"Opening project armour." Gideon said, as a hologram of robotic exoskeleton opened, "may I warn you that based on my calculations, the armour will not be able to take flight. Simulations show that the suit is too heavy."

Gideon then showed a simulation of the suit of armour Barry was making, crashing to the ground a few seconds after liftoff.

"Replace the metal with graphene and add coat it in a thin layer of magnesium. That should solve the weight issue and stop the aromour from burning up. Can you run the simulation again?" Barry asked.

"Of course, Mr. Allen." Gideon said.

The simulation ran, and not only was the armour able to sustain itself, it could also carry a payload of up to about 100 KG.

"One more thing Mr. Allen." Gideon said.

"Yes?" Barry asked.

"I may not be able to pilot the armour efficiently. You have not finished programming me to do so, and I believe doing so would take hours, as you do not have your speed. Hours that people could be dying." Gideon pointed out.

"You will only be needed for assistance. I will pilot the armour." Barry said.

"Processing the signal will not work as all cell towers have been destroyed or rendered useless by the explosion." Gideon said.

"No. That's not what I meant. What if we actually make it an armour. Expand the shell to create space for me. We can add insert the HUD that I already have on my supersuit so I can process everything electronically." Barry said, swiping on Gideon's interface to create a real suit of armour.

"Running simulations, factoring in body mass and added air resistance from the wider shape of the armour. I believe the suit will be able to fly, but not carry anything else." Gideon said.

"Remember how I got this idea from that movie on my Earth that Cisco made me watch? So Tony Stark, in the movie igured out a way to create a power source small enough to fit in his suit, but powerful enough to power a small city. Could we do that?" Barry asked.

"I cannot process movies." Gideon said, much to Barry's disappointment. Gideon was a super-intelligent AI, and she/it couldn't process movies.

"We can make an arc reactor. What if we make a tokamak-type nuclear fusion device. it should be able to power the suit for about an hour. With the added energy levels we add more thrust to achieve liftoff and flight. Can we get to work?" Barry asked.

"Yes. Here is my proposed design." Gideon said, showing a model of something that looks like the arc-reactor in the first iron man suit design.

"Perfect. Get to modelling in the fabricator Rip Hunter gave me. I never thought it would be useful." Barry said.

A few minutes later, a very dark blue and grey suit was fabricated, with a bright blue light in the middle. The suit then opened up from behind and Barry walked into it, and the HUD which Barry always kept silenced popped up. 

The HUD displayed the armour's integrity and battery power

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The HUD displayed the armour's integrity and battery power. It also sported facial recognition, plasma blasters and lasers. The main feature of the suit though, was its ability to fly. 

(What I imagine it would look like

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(What I imagine it would look like. I'm assuming they have Marvel movies on Earth-38.)

"Gideon how do I get out of here?" Barry asked. He had the super-suit on, but normally he would just phase out of the windows and run down the wall.

The windows then opened, giving headway for Barry to exit the apartment.

"When did that happen?" Barry asked.

"I believe the previous owners installed this system. Just had to hack it and create a new remote to open it." Gideon said.

Barry then flew out of his apartment, straight towards the explosion. In all the mayhem of the explosion, nobody noticed a flying metallic man.

Towards the centre of the explosion, Barry saw Superman already struggling to stop a building from crumbling. Barry was still having trouble getting used to flying, so after wobbling a bit, he found himself hovering next to Superman.

Barry saw Superman trying to x-ray vision through his super-suit, before realising that he was using a graphene that had a similar atomic structure to lead. 

"It's me, Barry." Barry said.

"Nice suit. What's the plan?" Superman asked.

Barry flew back and asked Gideon to analyse the building. There were various weak points that had to be heated and repositioned.

"Heat vision there, there and there." Barry said to Clark, pointing at the weak points, as he flew to some himself, using the lasers in his suit.

Soon enough, the building was stable again, and the two heroes split up to deal with all the chaos.

"We really need Kara right now." Barry muttered, knowing that Clark was probably listening. With any luck, Kara would also over-hear.

After hours of flying around and helping people get out of crumbling buildings and rushing people to hospitals, Kara finally appeared, zooming around with speeds fast enough to make a novice speedster jealous.

Was there any chance that Kara could have been hit with some speed-force energy?

No, Barry had checked for that earlier. The power surge in her cells were just from the sun blast.

Just as the three heroes felt as if they had everything under control, a second explosion rang through the city. This one probably didn't have negative tachyons in it, because Barry did not feel a depletion of energy that had been building up since he got hit with the negative tachyons.

"Power levels at less than 5%." Gideon said. 

Barry hadn't noticed the red beeping thing on his HUD saying that his super-suit was low on power until then.

"Crap." Barry muttered as the suit began losing power, slowly falling to the ground. Superman and Supergirl were busy saving others, so they couldn't catch him.

This was it. He was going to die.

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