Chapter 14 - Supergirl

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Barry didn't know why he was doing what he was doing, but something told him it would work. Probably the speed-force guiding him. Barry pointed at Kara, and shot a lightning bolt at her. Not a large and dangerous one, but rather a pleasant one that reminded Kara of all the good things in her life.

Kara then noticed all the still people around her. Everyone was frozen in place except for the lightning man. 

Kara then noticed lightning all over her body.

"What's happening to me?" Kara asked.

"I gave you access to the speed-force. You are moving with me at super-speed. I need you to help me phase the plane." Barry said.

"What are you talking about?" Kara asked.

"When I phased into the plane, all I did was vibrate the molecules in my body at the natural frequency of air. If we can vibrate this plane at that same frequency, we can phase it right through all the buildings in National, and we can land the plane in either the river or sea." Barry explained.

"Got it." Kara said, going to one wall of the plane while Barry went to the other. Barry then began vibrating, but Kara wasn't able to.

"It's not working." Kara said.

"What?" Barry muttered.

"I can't do this." Kara said. "I'm not a hero."

"Yes you are. Just listen to me. Just, breathe. Feel the floor beneath your feet, feel the rumble of the plane. Feel the air around you. And the lightning. Feel it's electricity pumping through your veins traveling to every nerve in your body like a shock you never want to end. You're no longer you now. You're part of something greater. You're part of the speed-force. Alright? Now let's do this." Barry said, remembering what Dr. Wells, well Eobard Thawne, told him years ago when he had just started out as the Flash.

Barry and Kara began vibrating and they made the plane vibrate with them. The plane phased through several buildings and Barry saw Kara getting tired.

"Just a bit longer, alright? We're gonna land this plane in the river." Barry said.

Kara didn't say anything, too focused on the amazing feeling she was feeling.

"Use your super-strength to turn this plane towards this river." Barry said.

Kara obeyed, holding onto an empty seat on the plane, making it turn around and go towards the river.

Once the plane landed in the river, Barry smiled to himself. 

"Sometimes you just need to slow down a bit." Barry said.

'Thats what Barry said to me' Kara thought to herself.

Everyone then started clapping, all looking at her. Kara looked at Barry and while still moving in super-speed, asked him why nobody was looking at him.

"Because they don't see me." Barry said.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked.

"I am vibrating at a frequency too fast for their eyes to process, your kryptonian reflexes and retinal cells are able to see me though, I would need to vibrate at a much higher frequency to be invisible to you. If I was here everyone would think I'm the one that saved this plane, but really, thousands of people would be dead if it weren't for you, so you deserve the credit for this."

'Wow, even Barry gave me credit for something I didn't do, weird.' Kara thought. Barry was really similar to this lightning man. Kara then began to wonder if Barry was the lightning man but suddenly began feeling very tired.

"Your body isn't able to handle the speed-force, I need to take it away from you now." Barry said, pointing his index finger at Kara, making a lightning bolt come out of Kara and go into Barry's finger.

Kara tried to x-ray vision through Barry's suit, and Barry noticed.

"Your x-ray vision won't work on my suit." Barry told Kara.

"It's lined with lead?" Kara asked.

"No, it's made of pure speed-force energy, add that to the list of things you and Superman can't x-ray vision." Barry said.

Kara was about to ask more questions, but suddenly the lightning man was gone, but she walked out of the plane and flew up. The amazing feeling of lightning coursing through her veins was gone, and Kara was trying to hold on to it.

Kara looked down and saw a white streak of lightning running around the city, and she flew back home, turning on the news and opening her phone to text Clark for advice. Turned out Clark already texted her.

Kara put her phone down and began thinking about the lightning man with a smile on her face

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Kara put her phone down and began thinking about the lightning man with a smile on her face. She was interrupted by Alex walking into the apartment and slamming the door behind her.

"What do you think your doing?" Alex questioned.

"I just saved your life, be a little grateful." Kara joked.

"What do you think your doing?" Alex questioned.

"Saving your life, and thousands of others Alex. What else do you think I'm doing?" Kara said.

"You always wanted to be normal Kara, why throw all that away now? I'm sure that speedy hero would have figured something out." Alex said.

"No Alex. Firstly, you are the one who has always wanted me to be normal. You are the one that has always wanted me to hide who I am. Hide who I could be. Secondly, no, the lightning man was not going to figure something out without me. You should have seen him on that plane. He was exhausted. Overworked. 2 superheroes may seem like enough to you, but it really isn't. You should have seen the toll it was taking on him. I could see it in his eyes. His eyes were full of exhaustion. Clark has the same look in his eyes whenever I see him." Kara practically shouted at Alex.

"What do you mean you saw it in his eyes. When did you see him?" Alex asked.

"He was on the plane." Kara said, remembering that he said he was vibrating too fast for humans to see him. "He was vibrating too fast for you to see, he said something about this being my moment."

"How can you trust this man so much?" Alex asked, "How do you know he won't just make us too reliant on him, then just disappear? "

"Because Clark knows him." Kara said, "Clark has known him for years now. Clark knows his secret identity. This man is Clark's friend, and so yes, I trust him, because I trust my cousin who trusts this man."

Kara didn't know why she was standing up for the lightning man, but she felt as if she had to, after all he had done, all the lives he had saved. He shouldn't be hated.

"Ok then, but I will not help you in any way as a superhero. I don't want to be part of the thing that leads you to your possible death." Alex said.

"Fine." Kara said, beginning to walk away, "Really nice to know even my sister doesn't believe in me."

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