Chapter 11 - Lena Luthor

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Barry walked into office, and everyone was talking about the mysterious streak of white lightning that was saving people. Barry saw Kara in Cat's office getting shouted at, and since Kara and him became good friends over the course of days, Barry decided to cover for her.

Barry quickly took out his camera and left the building, put a timer of 3 seconds, and began running away from the camera, before turning around, facing the camera in his super-suit and running, generating a trail of lightning behind him. Barry then willed his super-suit to change into his normal civilian clothes and checked the image.

The image was perfect and it was in focus.

Barry then sped up to Cat's office and saw Kara still getting reprimanded.

"Hello Barry." Cat said.

"Hi Cat, I just wanted to thank Kara for the picture she took of the new mysterious lightning streak that has been running around saving people." Barry said, making Kara look at him.

"A picture of this mysterious lightning streak?" Cat said again, questioning if she heard correctly.

"Yes, it seems as if there is a man in the lightning." Barry said, showing Cat the picture.

"This is exactly what we need to beat Lois Lane and the rest of The Daily Planet down to a pulp!" Cat excitedly exclaimed. "We will blow him up. Barry, put your best reporters on this, Kiera, bulletproof."

"Sorry?" Kara said.

"Bulletproof coffee, normal coffee has toxins that will rob me of my creativity." Cat said.

"Your writing the article?" Kara asked, making even Barry turn around as he was walking towards the door of Cat's office.

"Yes, of course. Who else will?" Cat asked.

"y-y-b-bu-" Kara stuttered.

"Leave Kara, before you make even more of a fool of yourself." Cat said.

"Of course." Kara said.

Barry then began walking out to where his reporters were, and Kara ran up to him.

"Why did you do that?" Kara asked.

"Why did I do what?" Barry asked back.

"You know what you did. You gave Ms Grant the picture of the lightning streak and gave me the credit for it. Why?" Kara asked Barry.

"Well, you would have gotten fired otherwise, right?" Barry said.

"Yeah. But you took that picture, you should have taken the credit for it!" Kara told Barry.

"Cat already knows that I'm a good reporter, I mean, why else would I be the editor-in-chief over here? I have a feeling you aren't living up to your potential, and you would make a great reporter. Besides, think of this as payment for you showing me around the city." Barry said.

"Alright, now I need to go find this bulletproof coffee Ms Grant wants." Kara said, sighing.

Barry then walked to where his reporters were, and began telling them what to do. Barry knew he couldn't just only say positive things about this streak, and he had to also say negative things, so people wouldn't suspect he was the man running around saving people.

"Tech and fashion, Liam and Mia, I want you to work together. Based on this picture, what can you tell about the technology in his suit, and what kind of a fashion statement is this guy making, wearing a white onesie with gold lines?" Barry said, giving Liam and Mia a picture of the man in the lightning streak.

"Opinion, Martha and Noah, I want you two to write two articles, one about why we need another superhero, and one about why we don't need another superhero." Barry said.

"James, can you get a picture of this lightning man?" Barry asked.

"I'll try." James said.

"Perfect, I am going to interview witnesses of the lightning streak." Barry said.

Barry made his way to L-Corp, Lex Luthor's old company, re-branded by Lena Luthor. Most people thought of the Luthor's as bad people, but Barry knew not to judge people by their family.

At L-Corp, Lena's secretary approached Barry, and asked him if she could help him. Barry told Lena's secretary that he was here to interview Lena about the mysterious streak that stopped a robbery at L-Corp the night before.

As Lena's secretary took Barry up to Lena's office, Barry started a converstion.

"I didn't catch your name," Barry said.

"Oh, Eve. Eve Tessmacher." Lena's assistant said.

"Barry. Barry Allen." Barry said, offering his hand for Ms Tessmacher to shake.

The elevator bell dinged as the door opened to Lena's floor.

"Oh, please, in here." Ms Tessmacher said, motioning for Barry to follow her.

As Barry entered the office, Lena stood up to greet him.

"Barry Allen, what has my brother done this time?" Lena asked, annoyed that reporters would always go to her when her brother did something bad.

"Nothing actually, I am here to interview you about the robbery here last night. And the lightning man that stopped it." Barry said.

"Very well, shall we begin?" Lena asked.

"Yes, perfect, do you mind if I record this?" Barry asked.

"Not at all." Lena said.

"Firstly, what do you think the robbers were here to take last night?" Barry asked.

"A prototype we are working on here at L-Corp that can 3-D print organs." Lena told Barry.

"Ah, moving on, did you see this white lightning man?" Barry asked.

"Yes I saw a streak of white lightning, but no man." Lena said.

"That was probably because he was going too fast, at CatCo we got a picture of him." Barry said, showing Lena the image Barry took of himself.

"That suit does not look like the kind of thing someone just makes at home with a needle and thread. It looks advanced." Lena pointed out.

"Yes, we have reporters at CatCo trying to figure out everything about this man." Barry told Lena, before ending the recorder.

Barry then looked at Lena, and with his league of assassins training, Barry noticed Lena was a genuinely good person.

"Would you like to meet up for lunch one day?" Barry asked Lena.

"Are you sure it's wise to get lunch with a Luthor?" Lena asked.

"I like to judge people based on their own merits, not their brother's, and you seem like a nice and genuine person." Barry said.

"Very well, but I hope this isn't just a way of you trying to get a story out of me." Lena said.

"No, I'm not that kind of person. Anyway, Noonan's tomorrow?" Barry asked.

"It's a date." Lena said.

Barry then went back to CatCo, and told Kara that she had to ask James out.

"What do you mean I need to ask James out, you first need to ask out a girl." Kara said.

"And I did." Barry told Kara.

"Oh yeah? What's her name and when are you meeting with her?" Kara asked, not believing Barry.

"Lena Luthor, and tomorrow." Barry told Kara.

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