Chapter 9 - CatCo

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Barry sped to CatCo so he could be early for his new job. When Barry reached the CatCo building, he took in his surroundings. The CatCo building was much more modern if he compared it to the Daily Planet, with "CatCo World-Wide media written in big letters at the top of the building. 

As Barry entered the building, he was greeted by the receptionist.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"I'm here for the Editor-in-Chief position." Barry said.

"Ah, yes, please follow me." The receptionist said, signalling for Barry to follow her.

The receptionist took Barry to the elevator and pressed the button that would take them to the 67th floor. In the elevator, the receptionist kept on glancing at Barry. This was normal now, because after his training with the league he was now a lot more muscular, unlike the skinny Barry Allen that used to arrive at work late everyday.

When Barry exited the elevator, the receptionist pointed him to Cat Grant's office, a huge office filled with couches, televisions displaying the news, drinks and a large office.

The receptionist asked Barry to wait in the office, and she went back down in the elevator to the first floor. 

Barry decided not to sit, as he did not know if Cat Grant would be fine with him sitting on her couch. After 5 minutes of Barry waiting in the office, Cat Grant showed up, coming out of her private elevator.

Cat Grant walked out of her private elevator and made her way to the office. While Cat Grant was walking, she realised something was wrong. "Where is Keira? Something is wrong, there is no over eager person that actually enjoys coming to work over here."

Cat then saw Barry waiting in her office, and she touched up on her make-up, before entering her office.

"And what, pray tell, brings you here, Barry Allen?" Cat asked.

"Hi Ms Grant, I am the new Editor-in-Chief?" Barry asked, almost questioning himself.

"Please, call me Cat, and yes, I remember Keira told me something about that. Speaking of which," Cat began, before shouting, "WHERE IS KEIRA?"

Kara then ran in, with two coffee's in hand.

"Sorry Ms Grant." Kara apologised.

"You should be, why should I not fire you here and now?" Ms Grant asked Kara.

Barry then interrupted the conversation, knowing that if he did nothing, Kara may well lose her job. Barry heard about Cat Grant firing employees for much less. "Sorry, Cat, but I met her at Noonan's and asked her to also get me a coffee, which is probably the reason she is late, I mean, after all, she normally plans to reach here when you do, so your coffee is hot, right?" Barry said, saving Kara's job.

"Yes, when I get the coffee it is always nice and hot. Fine then, you can keep your job for another day." Cat said, "Now can you please give Barry his coffee please?" 

"Yes, of course." Kara said, giving Barry the coffee that she was planning on having.

"Okay now. I will need my usual 5 minutes alone, after which, you and you, need to come into my office." Cat said, pointing at Kara and Barry.

When Cat was in her office, she gave the coffee back to Kara, and Kara thanked Barry.

"No problem, it was my fault that you were late, I was the one that talked to you at Noonan's." Barry said.

"Yes, but if it weren't for you, I would have fallen down and I would need to go back home to change, not to mention I would probably need to shower because I would have spilled coffee on myself." Kara said.

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