Chapter 38 - Other Problems

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Kara was outside James' apartment, ready to go with him to the movies.

"James let's go." Kara said while knocking, but she didn't hear a response. She began to get worried when she heard sounds coming from inside.

"James?" Kara asked, taking out the key James gave her.

Kara opened the door and saw James kissing a girl. The girl whispered something in James' ears, but Kara wasn't listening with her super-hearing. Then Kara listened in when James replied.

"I love you too." He said.

"James!" Kara shouted.

"Who is this?" The girl kissing James asked.

"Uhh..." James said, trying to come up with a way to explain.

"I'm Kara, his girlfriend, well I was until I saw you. Who are you?" Kara asked.

"Irene. And James, you have a lot of explaining to do." She said.

"Well, you see..." James began.

"Okay, who is being cheated on here? When did you become his girlfriend, Kara?" Irene asked.

"About three months ago, you?" Kara asked.

"A year." Irene said.

"Do you want to slap him first?" Kara asked.

"Yes please." Irene said, slapping James. "You can't date both of us at the same time." 

"Well then I choose you Irene." James said.

"Unbelievable." Irene scoffed. "We are over, okay? I thought what we had was special, but if you are going to date other women while we are in a relationship, go find some other girl."

"I don't know why I ever asked you out." Kara said, leaving the house with Irene.


"What's up?" Barry asked, opening the door for Kara.

"Can we talk?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, come in." Barry said.

"This is a really nice apartment." Kara noticed.

"Thanks. It has two rooms, but I just use the second room as a kind of vigilante headquarters. So what do you need to talk about." Barry said.

"James cheated on me." Kara said.

"His loss." Barry said.

"He said he would choose the other woman over me." Kara said sadly.

"Kara listen to me." Barry said, holding Kara's hands and looking into her eyes. "You are the most amazing person I know. Is this other girl as caring as you? Can her smile make anyone feel better? Heck, can this woman fly?" 

"She may well be able to. Irene was gorgeous. I'm just not good enough." Kara said.

"Oh please, James is the one that isn't good enough. Now what we need to do is forget about that rat bastard. I'll get the popcorn and other food, you choose the movie." Barry said.

"Are you fine with musicals?" Kara asked.

"Are you kidding? Everything is so much better in song." Barry said.

"What's your favourite?" Kara asked.

"Singing in the rain." Barry replied, while making popcorn.

"Wizard of Oz. I must have watched it at least 30 times." Kara said.

"I think I beat you there. I watched it all the time, first after my mom died, then after Zoom killed the rest of my family." Barry said.

"You know, maybe instead of watching a movie, we can just share our problems with each other." Kara said.

"That would be good for both of us I think." Barry said.

"So that was basically my life before I met you and Clark." Barry said.

"I didn't know that there was so much death in your life." Kara said.

"I sometimes wake up so angry that I just need to punch out my rage. Now when I think everything is better, the man that started it all is back." Barry said.

"But he will be taken down." Kara said.

"I don't know. Before the speed-force died, it said that I need to let others die if we are going to win this. If that happens, then Thawne wins again, because what he said to me once is true. He's always going to be in my head." Barry said.

"Barry, you won't lose us. The speed-force is dead, and doesn't know what it is talking about." Kara said.

Barry felt himself leaning slowly, and saw Kara also leaning in, but before anything else could happen, he quickly moved away.

'Don't take advantage of her. She's just hurting after what happened with James.' Barry told himself

"So how about we watch a movie and get our mind off this stuff?" Barry asked.

"Yeah. Yeah." Kara said, mentally chastising herself for almost kissing Barry. But after everything Kara shared with Barry and everything Barry shared with her, Kara kind of wished Barry kissed her.

"What was Iris like?" Kara asked, out of the blue.

"She was everything anyone could want in a girl. As a reporter she always risked her life trying to get the story, and she wasn't afraid of anything. Once,  she was being shot at, and she jumped out the window because I told her to. I guess that's one of the things I loved about her, she trusted me with her life, and I would trust her with my life." Barry said.

"You must have really loved her." Kara said, noticing that Barry didn't mention how she looked and only talked about how amazing her personality was. Kara decided she wanted a boyfriend like Barry, who doesn't care about looks.

"I did." Barry sighed. "Now it's time for some Wizard of Oz."

"You were wrong, Barry." Kara said.

"About what?" Barry asked.

"You said your a vigilante, but you aren't. Your a hero." Kara said.

"Thanks." Barry said, smiling.

Somewhere during the movie, Kara fell asleep on Barry's shoulders.

Why does James cheating on me not hurt in the tiniest bit? I haven't gotten over him already. Oh rao, I have feelings for Barry!' Kara realised, before falling asleep on Barry's shoulders.

Barry decided not to wake up Kara, so he carried her to his room and put a blanket over her.

'How does she not know how amazing she is? Maybe the speed force was right, I do love her' Barry thought.

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