Chapter 12 - Game Night

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"Lena Luthor?" Kara asked, not believing her ears.

"Yes." Barry confirmed.

"Isn't her brother like Superman's biggest enemy?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, but isn't it wrong to judge people by their family. Just because Lena is a Luthor doesn't mean anything, besides, Lena's a great person. All the work she does at L-Corp benefits the whole world. " Barry told Kara.

"I guess so." Kara said.

"But you're avoiding the point, you now need to ask James out." Barry said.

"Ughh fine." Kara said.

Barry watched as Kara walked up to James and confessed her feelings for him. Barry noticed Kara was about to cry when she saw James' blank face, but Kara was then pulled into a kiss, and Barry smiled.

After Kara and James finished kissing, Kara ran to Barry and hugged him.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Kara exclaimed.

"No problem, what are friends for? Plus, now you owe me not one, not two, but now three." Barry said.

"Yeah, you really should stop doing so many nice things for me. Your putting me under pressure to do something nice for you." Kara said.

"Haha, I'll try my best." Barry said.

"Anyway, game night tonight? It's like really fun!" Kara said.

"I'll be there." Barry confirmed.

As Barry made his way out of the office, he realised that with his training from the speed-force, he could do so much more superhero work than he used to. He could create speed-force constructs that could then be controlled by Barry to run around the area and save people 24/7.

Barry went to an alley and created a speed-force construct of himself, but in his super-suit. Barry realised that commanding the speed-force construct required a lot of his attention, but Barry was fine with that as with super-speed he could easily multi-task.

Barry then changed walked to the address Kara gave him, and knocked on the door.

"Hey, come on in!" Kara said, opening the door for Barry.

"Thanks." Barry said.

Barry looked around the room. He recognised two people in the room apart from Kara. One of the was Winn Schott, the IT guys that worked at CatCo, and the other one was James Olsen. Kara then introduced Barry to Alex, the person Barry did not recognise in the room.

"Barry, meet Alex, my foster sister. Alex, meet Barry, the man who has saved my job multiple times, and the man that convinced me to tell James how I feel." Kara said.

"Oh so you managed to do what I have never been able to do in my life. And you did it in just a few days." Alex said.

"Yeah, well, Kara and I made a deal that if I got asked a girl out this week, then she would ask James out." Barry told Alex.

"Ah, okay." Alex said.

Barry then looked at the news playing on the television at Kara's house. There was a huge wildfire that even superman was not able to put out. Barry made his speed-force construct go to the site of the fire and circle around the area of the fire creating a vortex to suck up all the oxygen that was fuelling the fire. Superman saw what Barry was doing so he also did the same. 

Soon the fire was out and Barry made his speed-force construct leave the scene of the fire.

As the fire went out on the news, everyone in Kara's house was watching the scene unfold.

"That. Was. Amazing." Winn said, making everyone in the room laugh.

"I agree, imagine how fast he would have to go to put that fire out!" Alex exclaimed.

"Anyway, we got Jenga, Pictionary, Monopoly, and a deck of cards." Kara said, holding all the things she mentioned in her hands. Kara was about to drop when Barry ran over to help Kara.

"Let's play some Pictionary." Winn suggested.

"Oh really? 'Cus I can draw like amazingly well." Barry said.

"Your on." Kara challenged Barry.

"Well then, let's play!" Winn shouted.

Barry was on a team with Winn, and Kara was with James and Alex. Everyone decided the teams by pulling their names out of a hat. The first three names to be pulled out from the hat were on a team, and the remaining two were on a team. 

Barry and Winn were both nerds, so they both thought of things in the same way, making the two of them a really good team at Pictionary. When Barry first arrived to Earth-38, Clark hooked him up with a sped up version of all TV shows and Music on his Earth, so within days of binge watching and listening to music, Barry was familiar with Earth-38's culture.

While Kara was setting up the Pictionary, Alex walked to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of vodka. When Barry asked what it was for, Alex told Barry that they take a shot whenever someone guesses correctly.

It was first Barry and Kara's turn to draw, leaving Winn, James and Alex to draw. Barry drew with surprising speed and quality, drawing pictures that made Winn's job guessing really easy. Kara and her team on the other hand, were having a much harder time. Soon everyone except for Barry and Kara were drunk, as Barry and Winn kept on guessing each other's drawings easily. Barry and Kara pretended to be drink though, as it would be odd if any normal human could drink so much alcohol and still not get drunk.

After a night of fun, Winn was the first to leave Kara's house, followed by Barry and finally James. Alex lived with Kara, so when everyone left, Kara carried Alex to her bed and tucked her in.

"Good night." Kara said, kissing Alex on the forehead.

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