Chapter 41: On the Rise

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Hazel's Pov-

The next day, Taylor and I went downstairs and everyone was having breakfast. Sam set a plate for Taylor and I.

"Okay, we'll tell them right now..." I heard Rachel whisper to Cameron.

"Tell us what?" I questioned looking at Rachel.

"Well, Kaley and I along with Cameron and Kian were planning on going to Hawaii for a couple of days, just to get away, and have some more us time before the summer ends." Rachel answered.

Away? Away from what? That was the whole point of having summer vacation here in LA.
And those two words "end" and "summer" made my stomach flip upside down. Those two words scared me, because I loved it here in LA, and I don't want to leave Taylor. & the friends and experiences have made me so attached that I don't think I'd handle packing up and moving back.

"Alright, sounds fun. When do you guys plan on going?" Taylor asked, swallowing some orange juice after words.

"Cameron and I thought maybe tomorrow in the morning." Rachel said hold his hand.

We all just nodded and ate our food.
We sat in silence, enjoying the morning, for once everything was calm and good.

"Babe, don't you want to show them the new song?" Taylor elbowed me lightly.

"Sure," I got up from my chair, "be right back."

I went to my room to get my MacBook and came back down quickly,
I opened my laptop up and stuck the flash drive in.

"Okay, so Taylor and I worked on the song all day yesterday, and we're obsessed, we want you guys to hear it."
I clicked the file and the song started to play through out the room.

After playing it 5 times, everyone just started to compliment the song and my work, along with Taylor.
If they like it, than other people must like it too, right?

Taylor took the laptop from me and started to type. I wonder what he was doing? Whatever, he was probably just checking his Twitter.


Later that day Taylor and I went for a drive, just talking about the plans for the rest of the summer, & some of our childhood memories. He told me a story about the time he broke his arm, which sounded painful but now he breaks it all the time apparently, and it's always the same arm!

Taylor took a turn to this hill, and parked at the top of this hill. We got out of the car and he sat at the hood. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me in.
I kept looking into his eye. I truly loved this boy, it's crazy how I was just a fan that went to meet him and this happened? It's crazy!

"You're looking at the wrong scenery, babe." Taylor said looking at me.

"Huh?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

He then turned me around and wrapped his arms around my torso.
I then gasped at the scenery he was talking about. You could see all of LA. It was absolutely beautiful! From the city to the coasts of the beach. How come I didn't know of this hill before?

"Wow, it's so breath taking up here, Taylor," I walked to the edge of the hill, without taking my eyes of the beautiful picture in front of me.

I turned to look at Taylor and he had this big smirk on his face. He got up from the hold and opened the trunk of the car.
He took out a basket and his beats pill & walked back to me.
"I thought I'd surprise you with a little picnic," he smirked once more, "what do you say?"
I couldn't help but smile like a complete idiot. Taylor is literally the best boyfriend ever! I just bit my lip and nodded my head. He held the basket in one hand, and reached for mine with the other. He walked me over to this huge tree with lots of soft green grass, nice cold shade, and it has the great view of LA

He opened the basket and laid down a red plaid blanket onto the ground. We both sat down on the blanket, and he started to pull out plates and glass cups from the basket. I kept starring at him, admiring how adorable he is. "So, what'd you pack to eat, Love?" I asked him, he looked up and smiled, "We're having spaghetti and meat balls, ham and cheese sandwiches, and to wash that down," he pulled out a bottle of wine, "some classy red wine." He put the bottle down.

He connected his iPhone to his beats pill and started to play the main LA radio station. He started to serve me and himself some spaghetti in one place, and sandwiches cut into triangles onto another plate. He poured us some red wine into the glass cups. The speaker started to play 'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran. One of my favorite artists and songs. Everything was so perfect. I was in love with this moment.

"So," I put some food in my mouth and then swallowed, "tell me, why, out of all the girls on that day I met you, you picked me?" I looked at Taylor.

He swallowed the food in his mouth, and wiped his mouth with a napkin. He stayed quiet for a moment,
"Honestly, I knew you were different. You didn't act like any other crazed fan, but the thing is, I didn't see you as a fan. I saw you as just, this beautiful girl who so happened to be there, I believe that destiny put you into my life. I'm so glad it happened." He answered.
I couldn't help but blush at his truthful words, if he kept on going, I swear I was going to burst into tears. Never did I imagine in my life that I would fall in love with a guy so soon in my young life.

"You know, the universe never really works out in my way," I sighed, "but right now, the universe is working in my favor." I said to Taylor, then smiled.

Suddenly, Taylor turned the speaker up and we started to listen to the woman with a english accent speak, she said "And now, we're going to play some new music by a rising super star and her boyfriend, she started on YouTube, and made her way to the charts today! This young 17 year old has a big career ahead of her. Ladies and Gentleman, Hazel Young and Taylor Caniff! Love Me Harder!" And my heart started to race, everything went into slow motion and I got this chill, the song started to play,

'tell me something, I need to know. then take my breath and never let it go. if you just let me invade your space, ill take the pleasure, take it with the pain.

and if in the moment i bite my lip, baby in that moment you'll know this is something bigger than us and beyond bliss give me a reason to believe it

cause if you want to keep me, you gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, got to love me harder and if you really need me, you gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta, to love me harder. ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh love me love me love me.

I got up and started to jump around and dance like crazy! Taylor just stayed sat and watched me the whole time, and then Taylor's part came on,

'I know your motives, and you know mine. The ones that love me, I tend to leave behind if you know about me and choose to stay, then take the pleasure and take it with the pain,

And if in the moment you bite your lip, when I get you moaning, you know it's real. Can you feel the pressure between your hips? I'll make it feel like the first time.'

Taylor got up and joined me while I was cheering like a fool,
"Babe! Your song is on the radio, that's insane!" He jumped with me.
"No babe, OUR song is on the radio!" I corrected him.
We just danced and sang along to the song, this couldn't get any better honestly!

Once the song ended, we sat back down, out of breath, finished our little picnic lunch, and got back into the car, and Taylor started to head for the house. I held his hand as we drove and didn't say much, I was just so happy and just enjoyed these last few hours with him. It made me happy as hell.
"Thank you.. Thank you for today. I love what you did for me, and our song on the radio was the cherry on top. It really just made this summer even more better." I told Taylor, so I rest my head back, and enjoyed the ride back home.
"Anything for you, princess. I just want to make you happy, and make your time here special. And I know! I wasn't expecting them to play it! They must of really like it, I wonder what people are going to say. You're going to get so big, everybody's going to know your name, Hazel." He looked over at me and smiled.

"I love you so much, Taylor." I spoke.
"I love you too, Hazel." He said, as he stroked my hand with his thumb.

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