Chapter 1

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Well today is the first day of the second year. Last year I moved to Tokyo with my best friend Heline, I was the captain of the Aoba johsai girls volleyball team.

We decided to move  to a city to have a better life and spend our time in a good city. The first year of attending to the new school was a bit hard but I managed to get through the volleyball team and amazed the coach and players by my skills in setting.

Heline managed to go through the art club and fallow her dreams of an artist.

Because of my good skills and the ability to manage the court our coaches decided that after our captain graduates I can be captain, so here I am (y/n) (l/n) the captain of Nohebi Academy girls volleyball team in my second year.

The coach asked me to go and talk to the boys captain to use their second court in them gym because our gym is in instruction so we need somewhere to practice.

I am in the way of the gym so I send Heline a massege to wait for me in the art club.

I knocked on the door of the gym and opened it I know the time of their practice so I was 30 minutes early and have enough time to talk with the captain.

I was looking for the captain when I heard two players talking about my uniform. Well I don't blame them because I'm not a fan of skirt and wear the boys uniform, I look so good in pants and button up shirts that most of the girls don't look this good.

I saw in the corner of my eyes that the boy motion his team mate to ask me what I need so the boy came toward me.

"Hi can I help you?" He said with a smile.

"I need to talk with your captain can you please tell me where he is?" I said politely and so confident that the boy was surprised.

"You mean you want to talk with Daishou?" He smirked and I didn't liked it.

"I don't know what's your captain name, but if it's his name yes I need to talk to him." I said with my monotone and serious face.

'Oh she is not like the other girls here' kuguri though to himself.

"Ok our captain is changing I will tell him when he came out." The boy with the light brown hair said and I just nod.

After a few minute I saw a boy came out of the changing room and talked to the brown haired boy. He had very dark green hairs with golden eyes, he had a good built so I assume that he is the captain.

When he start to walk in my direction I saw the white line under his jersey and find out that he is the captain.

I lift my lean from the door and stood in my full hight. He raised his eyebrows when he saw my hight. I was taller than most of the girls.

"Hi can I help you?" He said with a normal tone.

"Hi I'm the captain of the girls volleyball team pleasure to meet you." I stretched my hand toward him and he shook my hand.

"As I think that your coach informed you, our gym is on construction so I wanted to ask if we can use the spare court in your gym." I asked formally.

"No it's ok and my coach had informed that you might use the spare court, he said we might have some practice together."

"Ok thank you for informing. Our practice will start from tomorrow 15 minutes later than yours."

"Your welcome."

I bowed and he did the same I turned away to go and pick Heline from the art club, I heard the gym doors closed behind me.

'She is a hella a captain.' Daishou though then attend to his practice.

"Hey heli, lets go."

"Hi,(y/n) you're r late." She pouted and I laughed.

"Sorry my talk with the captain took more than I thought." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and we walked together.

I'm usually serious around people but when I'm with my friends I'm the craziest person on the earth . It's hard to socialize with new people friendly so it'll take time for me to make friends.

I said my farewell to my friend and walked to my house with the think of tomorrow practice.

So here the first chapter and I really felt the lack of a story fore Daishou so I decided to write I hope you enjoy it.


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