Chapter 15

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After some hours laughing and hanging Bokuto needed to go home. He had hugged y/n but refusing to let her go.

"Kotarou please let go of her you will see her again." Keiji face palmed himself.

"But keiijiii, I really missed heerrr."

"I missed you too Kou but if you don't let me go I will kick you there." Y/n said harshly.

Bokuto immediately let her go he doesn't want to experience that pain again from her.

He suddenly kissed Keiji on the lips and make him to blush so hard but eventually he kissed back.

After Bokuto living Keiji let out a loud flustered sigh and looked at his friend and his brother.


"Aw don't be you two are cute." She said and leaned on Daishou who wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You two date already." Akaashi murmured under his breath.

"What?" Y/n asked a bit red. She heard her clearly but Daishou didn't seem to hear.

"Nothing." Keiji smirked.

"Hey kids it's time to sleep, y/n sorry but you need to sleep on the couch since all of our rooms are full now." Yui said a bit sad.

"It's ok I don't have any problem."

She said and followed the boys upstairs to tell them good night. Keiji put a kiss on her forehead and she kissed his cheek and let him go. She went to Suguru room and waited for him to get out of the bathroom.

She lay on the bed. Daishou came out and laid next to her and wrapped his arms around her to not let her go.

"Suguru do you like them?"

"Yeah they are so nice. I feel a bit out of place but I'll be ok."

"Ok good night Suguru."

"Don't go. Sleep here the bed has enough space I won't bother you promise."

He gave her his best puppy eye and she giggled at his childish action.

"Ok sleep."

He pulled her to his chest and put his head above her. He wrapped his arm tightly around her and tangled their leg. Y/n made herself comfortable and nuzzles to his neck. They were asleep after 15 minutes.

Mrs. Akaashi came to tell y/n she can go to sleep on couch but she see that she is trapped in Daishous arm.

She called her husband silently to came and see them. They both smiled at the scene that they were seeing. Yui grabbed the bed blanket at wrapped it around the two. They both immediately relaxed to the warmth.

She closed the door and looked at his husband.

"They are made for each other." Yui smiled sweetly.

"They should make up their minds sooner before someone steal the other." Kenshi smiled then both of them went to sleep.


Daishou woke up and felt the emptiness next to him. He stand up and washed his face then headed downstairs.

He heard talking from the kitchen so he entered it.

"Morning." He said then realized that everyone were already up.

"Sorry for oversleeping." He looked away in embarrassment.

"Don't be embarrassed honey y/n told us about your sleep condition and your appetite. You needed that sleep." Yui said and put his plate in front of him and kissed his cheek.

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