Chapter 6

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The next morning y/n overslept so she did her routine so fast and rushed to school.

When she reached the gym and opened the door she found Daishou standing dead in front of Mika. She looked at Kuguri and he gave her the 'I will explain it to you.' Look.

Her eyes wandered around the gym and when she saw the brown hair boy next to Mika she couldn't believe her eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing here in the middle of this mess?" Y/n yelled to the boy.

"Nice to see you too y/n."

"Fuck off." She hissed at him.

"Do you know him?" Hiroo asked.

"Unfortunately yes." She didn't turn her glaring eyes from the boy.

"How do you know my boyfriend?" Mika asked and frowned.

"Your boyfriend? Isn't Daishou your boyfriend?"

"I broke up with him just now. Answer my question." Mika frowned and take a step forward.

'Shit did she really broke up with Daishou because of this mother fucker? Oh god Daishou is going to have a hard time.' She thought so annoyed.

"He is my ex." She said throw gritted teeth.

"Good I don't want to see you near my boyfriend."

Y/n let out a nervous laughter.

"I have no interest in him. You don't know what are you missing, did you really broke up with Daishou because of him?because of that whore?" She yelled at her.

"It's my life and I love him mind your own business." Mika hissed at y/n then rushed out of the gym with the brown haired boy.

Y/n looked at Daishou who had a broken heart look on his face. He looked back and rushed to the changing room.

"No one, I mean NO ONE will enter the changing room." Y/n said with a dead glare and rushed behind Daishou.

'No need for Kuguri to explain I already knew.' She thought.

She entered the changing room and throw her bag on the floor and saw Daishou leaning on the wall his face in his hands.


"You knew."

"Yes, but....."

"YOU FUCKING KNEW." Daishou yelled at her. "Why didn't you tell me? WHY?"

"BECAUSE YOU WOULD THINK THAT I WANT TO RUIN YOUR RELATIONSHIP." She lost her temper but take control of it after a second.

'Oh she has a point, I actually thought that. Why couldn't I trust her?' Daishou though sadly.

"Sorry for my out burst, I lost control." He said and his voice cracked.

"You have every right to loose control Suguru." She walked to him and cupped his face in her hands.

A tear rolled down on his face and followed by some more.

"Why? Why all of the bad things should happen to me?"

"It will be ok Suguru."

"No this will be ok but what about other things?" He said still sobbing.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

He nod and she took his hand and guide him to the bench. They sit and Daishou put his head on the crook of her neck and wrapped his arms around her waist.

She started to stroke his dark green hair and wrapped her other arm around his shoulder.

"Take your time, I have a lot of time and don't care about the school or training right now. Tell me when you are ready."

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