Chapter 12

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Two days later, they were walking to school side by side laughed and talking. Daishou was so happy that he could find her, she make him happy and he doesn't feel lonely.

But he couldn't ignore the pain in his heart that she might like him in more than friend way or not.

Today practice was canceled so they could spend as much as time together since they could go home sooner.

They were walking to cafeteria to eat their lunch and Daishous arm was around her shoulder. Heline, Kuguri and Hiroo were waiting for them.

"Heyyy, you two look good together you know." Heline said and winked to them.

Daishou was red as a mad tomato, y/n tried to keep her composure and sit. They were talking and Heline was obviously flirting with Kuguri and he was somehow enjoying it.

The five friends were eating their lunch and talking, suddenly y/n see Mika who was coming to their direction.

After some seconds she managed to grab the others attention to. She slammed her hands on the table and glared at y/n.

"Suguru we need to talk." Mika said with a sweet voice.

"I have nothing to talk about with you."

"But it's urgent."

"You can tell me here if you want if not you can leave, I have no interest in your words."

"Ok, you wanted this. I want to get back with you I love you and I missed you." She said with not too much emotion.

Y/n heart skipped a bit and she felt a pang in her chest. 'What if he accept her again I can't live knowing he is loving another girl that is not me'

"Well I don't want you."

"WHAT? But Suguru we were so happy you loved me we can be like that again."

"No we can't. That's the point I loved you but you didn't and I don't love you anymore. I'm sick of you Mika I never felt love from you. We are so over. And for you I'm Daishou not Suguru."

Mika glared at y/n who was watching this scene from the first.

"You did it to him didn't you? You made him hate me?" Mika said with daggers in her eyes.

Y/n let out a maniac laugh and looked at her.

"The day you broke up with  Suguru I told you, Matt (her ex) would throw you away like trash. It was just a month you seem so boring to him that you want Suguru back." She laughed a bit more "and no I didn't said anything to Suguru but you hurt him so bad. So bad. But today if he wanted to be with you I wouldn't let him."

"Hah you confessed I thought that it would be you ruining our relationship. You are jealous."

"No I'm not dear. That day I found Suguru so hurt and I made a promise with myself."

"And what would it be." Mika asked with sarcasm.

"Not to let him get hurt, even by himself or by his entourages."

Daishous heart was fluttered by her kindness and caring he  was more than great full to have her with him. He promised one thing to himself, to make her his one day and that day is not so far ahead.

Mika was stunned and she tried to say something but Heline intruded her.

"You heard my friend bitch now fuck off. Believe me she is a cutie pie but you don't want to see what she can do when you cross the line. She can make you regret your birth." She said in a scary tone and Mika ran away.

"Geez, you two can be scary sometimes." Hiroo said toward the girls.

Y/n noticed Daishous down mood and put her hand on his shoulder.

"You ok?"

"Yeah much better that I told her what I really feel. Thank you for backing me up." He smiled at her.

"Always dear." She said and he kissed her cheek and smiled.


They were walking home and Daishous arm was around her shoulder, it got a habit for them to keep each other close. They were getting so close to each other mentally and physically without noticing.

"So, how are you holding up?" Y/n asked casually.

"With you by my side, good. I'm a bit nervous for the court but overall I'm ok."

She hummed in response and lost in her thoughts. She don't want him to leave her but it's better for him to have a new family. To feel how it feels to be loved by family. To feel the things that she had missed for five years and nothing can bring them back.

"Hey hey, y/n you ok." Suguru cupped her face and looked to her eyes worried.

She noticed that some tears were rolling on her face, she wiped them immediately.

"Yeah I'm good." She gave him a small smile.

"Why were you crying?"

"Huh? It was nothing."

"Tell me I want to know if I can help." He really need to show her that he can do the same for her.

"You can't help but ok. I was thinking about my family." She bit her lip and looked away.

"I'm sorry." He pulled her into a tight hug and stroked her hairs.

"Do you want to grab ice cream?" He said and smiled at her.


He knew that ice cream will always manage to make her happy. They grabbed their usuals and started to walk to home again talking and laughing.

Two weeks flew like wind and today is the day for their first court. Daishou was quite nervous and a bit trembling. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a white button up shirt under it and black tie.

He was waiting for y/n in the living room then he heard the door bell ring. He opened the door and find John and carie behind it.

"Hi Suguru how are you?" John asked.

"A bit nervous but good."

"It's normal." Carie said and pat his shoulder then came in the house.

"Were is y/n." John asked.

"Hi I'm here sorry for make you wait." Y/n said with a smile.

She was wearing a black suit with a white button up under it and black tie. Her lips were dark red and had serious expression. She was ready for war.

"Dear Y/n  black was always your color." John said and smiled at her.

"You seem ready to win the court." Carie smirked at her.

"There is no way that we loose." She smiled at Daishou but still with a hard expression.

Daishou couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was absolutely stunning. She didn't need to wear skirt like other girls to get attention, she automatically grab others attention. He was looking at her and his through got dry, she definitely was looking good in a suit.

"Let's go." John coughed and pulled Daishou out of his world.


Hey guys I'm so tired I have lack of sleep and my headache is taking over, i might not update until Sunday so sorry.

Have a nice day and take care 💜

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