Chapter 30

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A few days later, Daishou was fully settled in y/n house. Their relationship got much better but y/n still was a little distanced and her sleeping habits and sicknesses still worry Daishou, but he didn't said anything like as he promised to wait.

He was watching TV and y/n was in the kitchen preparing dinner, the Daishou received a massege from Kuroo.

Kitty 🔪🩸

Hey Suguru, after the dinner that you reserved in the restaurant take her to the north flower garden I reserved a private area in your name don't be late and be there at 9.

Don't screw things we will prepare things from 5 to 8.

Snake 🐍
Ok thanks. Owe you one.

Kitty 🔪🩸

Sure you do😉

Snake 🐍
I literally can see that shit eating smirked on your face.😑

Kitty 🔪🩸

See you then.

Snake 🐍

Daishou checked the address in google and he saw that they did really picked a special place.

"Suguru dinner is ready." Y/n called from the kitchen.

"Coming princess."

He sat on the kitchen counter in front of y/n. He looked up and see that y/n is sweating like she played volleyball for 4 hours rapidly.

"Hey hey princess you ok?"

"Yeah don't worry just tiered."

"Don't push yourself ok? I can't help but I'm worried, but not asking why."

"Thanks now lets eat it'll get cold." She smiled and keep a pice of chicken in front of his mouth.

He smiled and shake his head but opened his mouth and let her to feed him. After that they eat dinner in a comforting silence with their fingers interlock with each other.

"Oh by the way, I booked a restaurant on Saturday, it's a casual restaurant but nice dress casual as you like." Daishou said out of the blue.

"Ok but what's the occasion?"

"Can't I have a date with my girlfriend?"

A small smile creeped on y/n face, she squeezed his hand in excitement.

"Sure you can."

"Good cause I won't accept no as an answer."

After dinner they laid in bed to watch some movies, they were closing their distance time to time without noticing.

After a few minutes Daishou was literally playing with the icy tips of her hair, he loves the icy tips so much so y/n didn't stop dyeing them since high school.

Daishou missed his girlfriend so much, although they were together and near each other physically but emotionally they got so distant this past month and it scares Daishou so much but he wasn't planning to let her go by any chance.

He saw that y/n is so focused on the movie from the corner of his eyes, he moved closer and steal a sweet kiss from her lips.

She was shock at first but after she realized she leaned in the kiss and put her hand on his neck to stroke it a bit.

"I needed that." Daishou said after they broke the kiss.

"Don't hesitate to kiss me." She smiled at him, she know that she hurt him but nothing can describe her love for Daishou.

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