Chapter 28

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It's been a busy week for all the students in the university because they need to give their projects and proposals.

Y/n had given her proposal to the head master, so she was sitting in the cafeteria with Keiji. She was thinking of the week that had past. She had morning sickness and some dizziness.

When Suguru asked her if she was ok a few days ago she just told him that she is stressed and have lack of sleep and she'll be ok, but is she really going to be ok?

"Y/n? Y/n? Were you listening?" Keiji asked a bit worried.

"Yeah I'm good. Sorry I zoned out."

"You seem off these days. Anything had happened?"

"Huh? No, I heard that you said we need to prepare a new collection for the company for the next season right?"


"What's the theme?"

"I told you before. You weren't listening."

"Sorry can you please repeat it?"

"The theme is Summer tragedy, the colors should be summery and we need a tone of pastel colors since they are different and beautiful."

"Ok, I will give you some sketches by the end of the week ok?"

"Ok and we are both the main models of the show."

"Oh, thanks for the heads up. I will leave now."

"Won't you wait for Suguru?"

"He still have two more classes, tell him that I was tired and head home."

"Ok, take care."

She exited the cafeteria, her mind was wandering here and there she didn't know what was wrong with her.

The moment she got home she laid on the bed and sleep. She had a dream but she couldn't remember it when she woke up.

She head downstairs and find Daishou in the kitchen.

"Hey you're awake." He said and kissed her temple.

"Yeah." She was strangely cold, but Daishou put it that way that she was tired.

"I made your favorite."

"Thank you dear and sorry for leaving you alone I was so tired."

"It's ok Keiji told me."

They eat in a comforting silence but her mind was still full of what if's and what had happened to me.

They watched a few movies and then sleep.


The next day Daishou told her that he is coming home late because he would go and pack the rest of the things that has left in his parents house.

Y/n took this opportunity and she walked to the pharmacy after the university classes ended. She bought two baby checks and head home.

She is so nervous and trembling her hands were shaking and she couldn't take it anymore. She cried, she cried because of how much pressure she was under this few weeks.

'Good that Suguru, coming home late.' She thought and got up the floor when she calmed down a bit. She changed into the comfortable clothes and drink a glass of cold water to calm her nerves.

She got up from the bed and head to the bathroom to take the test. 'It says that I should wait 5 minutes, the longest 5 minutes of my life.' She tapped impatiently on the sink waiting for the results.

After 5 minutes when she saw the test her eyes widened, she took the second test and the result was the same.

"Oh my fucking god, I'm pregnant." She said to herself and looked in the mirror. She didn't know how she is going to break the new to Daishou but she decided to wait.


Daishou came hime at 9 o'clock with three boxes.

"Hey princess I'm home."


Her attitude was suspicious to Daishou but he let it slide. She was avoiding him, won't make eye contact with him, Daishou knew that something is bothering his girlfriend.

"Hey y/n, are you ok?"

"Yes, are you hungry?"

She rushed to the kitchen without waiting for his answer, Daishou followed her to the kitchen.

"No I ate at my parents, you ok?"


She was running all over the kitchen without looking at Daishou. Daishou had enough of this, he grabbed her wrist and turned her and pushed her back to the kitchen wall while pinning her wrists to the wall as well.

He was ready to snap at her but when he saw her face his eyes widened. She had cold sweat all over her body her face was red not because of the situation because of the temperature of her body, Daishou can hear her heart beat that shows she is stressed and her eyes were teary.

"P-princess are you ok?" Daishou whispered and loosen his grip on her wrists.

"Y-yeah I'm just a b-bit stressed." She choked out the words tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Daishou pulled her into a tight hug and stroked her hair.

"You've been pressing yourself too much for a while princess. Tell me what happened you know you can tell me anything."

Y/n was crying in his embrace while gripping on his hug tight.

"N-not now Suguru I will tell you later."

Daishou pulled away from the hug and cupped her cheeks and kissed her comforting.

"Ok tell me when you are ready. I'm not hungry let's rest a bit we both need it specially you."

She just nod and followed her boyfriend upstairs.


Hope you guys enjoy it, we're close to the end💜💜💜💜💜

Have a nice day and take care 💜


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