Chapter 25

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Three days later y/n decided that she need to see her ex, she was so nervous about what might happen but she didn't want to show it because she already had put so much pressure on Daishou and she don't want to put more on him.

She decided that she will tell Heline to text Mill to tell him that they want to pay a visit. They were now on they way to the school garden to spend the break time with the boys and Heline.

They sat in the shade of a tree and started to talk about random topics.

"Oh by the way. Heline please tell Mill that we will meet him today at lunch time."

"Ok y/n." She texted Mill and he said that he was ok with the time. 'Why today?' Daishou thought and looked away from the group.

The bell rang and they all head to class, Daishou gelt that somebody is tugging the sleeve of his shirt.

"Suguru, Can I have a word with you?"

"Yeah." He said a bit hesitant.

They went to a more private hallway to talk. Y/n look at her boyfriend and find that he won't look her in the eyes. She put her hand under his chin pulled up his head with her thumb and index finger.

Daishou looked at her in the eyes with sad and hurt expression.

"Suguru, talk with me." She whispered and took another step to him but still don't let go of his chin.

"I have nothing to say." He said and pulled his eyes to side since he couldn't look away because of your hand.

"Look at me." She snapped at him "tell me, it's Mill isn't it?"

"Why do you ask if you know what's wrong with me." He fires back.

She let go of his chin and took a step back to look at him.

"Suguru, meeting him doesn't mean getting back with him. I know you don't trust me fully, but please believe me."

"Y/n I trust you. I trust you with my everything but I'm scared I can't help it, I fear that you will leave me and I can't get my mind off of it."

She couldn't help it anymore she slapped Daishou hard on the face, then she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head in his chest and breathed his scent.

"Sorry I needed to do that to get you back to your sense. I love you Suguru, and I might remember my memories with him but I'm sure that I have so much better memories with you than with him."

Daishou wrapped his arms around her waist with hesitation, his face was still burning from the slap but he was ok with it as long as she was in his arms.

"You will come with me to meet him whether you like it or not."

"Ok." He just whispered and keep her in his embrace.

"Let's skip this class."

"We already did." He giggled quietly. "Let's go to the roof."

He pulled away and dragged his girlfriend with him. They opened the roof door and entered the roof garden. Daishou laid on the grass and pulled y/n on top of him.

He took and deep breath and closed his eyes then wrapped his arms around her to enjoy her being while he still can he was still unsure about she won't leave but he wanted to think that she won't.

She let herself melt in his arms and listen to his no steady heartbeat, she knew that he is nervous and because of that his heart is beating like this.

She put her finger on his lips and stroke them kindly while her other hand grabbed his shoulder. She was so sad that she should make up her feelings and choose one of them but she knows that she don't have any third option, the only two options are Suguru or Mill.

Well let's just say she knows her decision already.


Sorry for short chapter I will write more soon my dears💜💜💜


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