Chapter 7

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The next day Daishou didn't come to morning practice. Hiroo informed y/n that Daishou came two school late and skipped the morning practice and the first two classes.

Y/n came back to her class and sat on her desk with a loud sigh.

"Is everything ok?" Heline asked her best friend.

"No but it will be, just need some time."

"Is it about Daishou?"

"Partly yes how did you know?"

"I knew you for 17 years. You know some secrets about him that you don't tell me that means it's something personal, but you are worried about him and watching him nonstop from yesterday. I know you won't tell me and I won't force you cause I know you are so loyal to your friends."

"Thanks for not pushing."

"Ok enough of this depressing. Are you close to Kuguri too?" Heline asked with stars in her eyes.

"Somehow why are you interested?"

Heline blushed furiously, she knew that she screwed up badly. Y/n smirked at her reaction.

"Does my best friend have a tiny crush on Kuguri?"

"Maybe." She blushed harder.

"Why did he came so red out of the changing room when we were playing?"

"I might have stole his first kiss."

"You WHAT?"

"Let it drop."

"But he is one year younger."

"It doesn't matter Daishou is one year older too."

"He is my friend not my crush."

"Correction, he is your crush and he is your friend... for now."

"What are you trying to tell me." y/n frowned at her friend.

"We both know that you like to be around him." Heline said then stands up to sit on her own desk.

'She is not wrong I like to be around him and make him happy. I get sad when he is sad and I'm worried about him. I really like to hug him and smell his hair that smells like green tea, but all the friends do that right?' She thought and the bell rang.


Y/n couldn't take her eyes off of Daishou at the evening practice. She was managing her team practice and watching her team mates and advise them, but she was watching Daishou from the corner of her eyes as well. He was wearing long sleeves and that thing make the alarm in her head to go off.

"WATER BREAK" she yelled and her team fainted from exhaustion.

"Ok I make water break 15 minutes so you all can regain your energy." She said and walked away.

They boys also having a break so she thought that she need to talk to Daishou.

"Suguru can you come with me?"

"Sure. Is something wrong?" He frowned but followed her.

They entered the changing room and y/n motioned him to sit on the bench. He did as she said but still confused. Y/n disappear in the bathroom and come back with a first aid kit and sat in front of him on the floor.

She was about to touch Daishous sleeves when he backed away his arms.

"H-hey what are you doing?"

"Taking care of your scars."

"How did you find out?" He was so sad and disappointed in himself and shock at the same time. But he didn't have reason to lie to her.

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