Chapter 19

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The next week was so hard for volleyball teams they were practicing nonstop so coaches decided that they would give the teams a little rest so today they don't have practice.

The news of slapping Mika got all over the school, and Daishous fan girls were confessing to him nonstop because they got sure that he isn't dating Mika anymore.

Daishou would politely reject them but it didn't decrease the annoy in y/n heart but she would shove it away, because she know that Daishou like her more than anyone in school.

It's been one week since they got together and they decided that they would say the news slowly to everyone. They weren't hiding anything so half of the school knew and the rest thinks that is a lie.

Y/n and Daishou were talking in the hall way the suddenly Mika came to view out of nowhere. She pulled Daishous collar without any warning and going to kiss him by force but fortunately he was fast enough to put his palm between their lips and push her away.

"What the fuck Mika." He yelled with an anger that y/n have never seen. Everyone's attention was now on them and y/n breathing got raged she need one  more push to be off the edge.

"I said that I will get you back, by any consequence. You can't get rid of me easily. You can't left me behind and go to that bitch."

"You were the one who left me and watch your mouth I won't stay shut and let you say anything you want to her. Respect the others decisions."

"You are mine and only mine. If I can't have you no one can have you."

That was it, the push that y/n need she was off the edge and far from angry.

She grabbed Daishous tie and pulled him to herself and kissed him, he was surprised but he leaned in and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

Mika was speechless she didn't expect it neither anyone expect it. Y/n pulled away from the kiss and walked to Mika.

She looked down at her when she was in her arm reach since she was much shorter than y/n.

"You don't own people, Daishou would go out with anyone he wants. I suggest you to back off because I'm too in love with him to let go. Don't bother me and don't get on my bad side because I won't think twice to make you regret  your every action. Don't get into a fight with me, because I won't show mercy and obviously your not on the wining side." Y/n glared hard at Mika that she felt her body shake.

"You think...." Mika words never got complete because of Heline.

"I would go away if I were you. If you have a girl group for yourself y/n have me and two teams behind her. You shouldn't mess with the teams." Hiroo and Kuguri backed Heline up.

Daishou wrapped his arm around y/n waist from behind her and frowned in Mikas direction.

"Get lost Mika." Daishou said with demanding tone.


"You should respect others decision. You decided to leave Daishou two months ago and he chose y/n. He respected your decision even it hurt him a lot the least you can do is to let him go to what makes him happy. Now LEAVE." Heline shove her away and give y/n wink then left.

Daishou gripped y/n waist harder and make her look at him. She smiled at him and closed her face to his.

"Now what Suguru?"

He kissed her lips hard and trapped her between his arms. 'God she is so sweet she taste like sweet cherry'

"Come to my house today. We have the practice off." Suguru said and lead her to her class.

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