Chapter 4

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Two days past y/n Daishou were getting closer but Daishous relationship is on the edge.

He came one hour early to the morning practice and to his surprise y/n was there and practicing her serves.

"Hi y/n. Too much early, why?"

"Hi, I don't know I have a strange feeling."

"Are you ok? Do you need to rest?"

"No I'm good but worried I don't know why. I think I will figure it out."

He was so close her and touching her temple. He looked in her brown orbs and he got lost. She looked at him and smile but backed away a little.

Then Kuguri and Hiroo came in the gym and they both backed away to look at them.

"Hey caps." Kuguri and Hiroo greeted

"Hey." They both respond in sync.

"Anything new Kuguri?" Daishou asked.

"Well today practice both morning and afternoon are canceled, so coaches said that we can play by ourselves or both team try to get to know the other."

"I agree with the option two we all deserve a little break." Y/n answers and Daishou nod in agreement.

"We can play truth or dare, or 7 minutes in heaven to know each other with a little bit alone time and a bit teasing to lighten the mood." Hiroo added.

"I agree, after some hard practice day and night we deserve a little fun." Daishou said and smiled to y/n.

"Since when did you get this close?" Kuguri asked and Daishou frozed.

'Am I acting so friendly that they noticed? They know I didn't talk so friendly with girls except Mika, but I cannot be unfriendly with her.' Daishou though.

"We talked a bit and discussed things and get friends is there any problem?" She asked and raise and eyebrows toward Kuguri.

"No, sorry."

"It's ok Kuguri and be a bit more relaxed around me I won't bite if you don't make me angry. Oh and can I invite my best friend she is in art club but she is free in the morning."

"Yes, it's ok." Daishou replied and pat her on the shoulder.

After 20 minutes or so all of the members of the two team with Heline came and they sat in a circle with a bottle in the middle.

"Ok what are we going to play? 7 minutes in heaven or truth or dare?" Numai the ace of Nohebi asked.

"Why don't we mix it?" Y/n said "we spin the bottle and the two people have 7 minutes in the changing room, each one should ask a question and the other shoulder answer truthfully and if they want they can do something romantic."

"That's a good idea." Akama said enthusiasm.

"That's really good but y/n can be really savage in truth or dare she make you regret your birth." Heline said. y/n and her team laughed.

"I experienced it." Ella said and make a dead look.

"Ok let this shit begin." Robby said.

They spined the bottle and it was for Miko and Akama.

"Ok sweet liberos go ahead and Miko make him suffer." Y/n said and winked at her libero.

"Yes cap." Miko said and Akama sweat dropped.

After 7 minutes they came back. Akama was pale as a wall and Miko was chuckling.

After two rounds it was Heline and Kuguri. Heline shoot her best friend a look that she knows well. Y/n laughed and Daishou glared at her.

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