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(8 years later)

"Ok guys have fun but don't blow the house and don't bother uncle Kenma and Kuroo." Y/n said to her children.

"Mom where is uncle Keiji?" Miya asked her mom.

"Your uncle and I have photoshoots today and your dad and uncle Kou have practice so uncle Kuroo and Kenma will take care of you." Y/n explained.

"Ok mom." The both child said in sync.

Y/n left the house.

"Ok what do you two kittens want to do?" Kuroo asked.

"Don't you call uncle Kenma kitten too?" Mike asked and it caused Kenma to glare at Kuroo.

"Um yeah he is my kitten you are your parents."

"But my dad call me little princess like my mother." Miya said.

"And uncle Kou call us little owls." Mike finished.

"Uum so...."

"Ok do you want to play video games with me?" Kenma said rescuing Kuroo.

"Yess I want." Miya said and sit on Kenmas lap. Kenma smiled at the little girl and started to play.

"Hey Mike do you want to prepare dinner." Kuroo asked.

"Oh yeah." He said and rushed in the kitchen.

Kuroo took a glance at Kenma and miya, he smiled at the sight. Kenma catch him staring and give his husband a soft cute small smile.

Kuroo went in the kitchen and saw that there are many ingredients on the kitchen counter.

"What are they?"

"Ingredients for making onigri my mother and I making them often." Mike said with a smile.

"You know how to cook it?"

"Of course I do, but I don't know how to make sushi do you know how uncle Kuroo?"

"I do but why? Isn't onigri enough?"

"My mom always cook us the food we like. She loves sushi so I want to make her some to thank her." Mike said and looked away.

"Wow my best friend raised good child. Ok I will make sushi and you make onigri ok?"


They started the cooking meanwhile Kenma and Miya were busy beating each other in Mortal kombat.

"No uncle Kenma you killed ma again." Miya turned around to face Kenma with a big frown.

"You can play better than that my dear Miya, I did teach you better than that." Kenma said with a smile.

"Ok let's make a bet. If I won you should let me make up you." She said touching the band in Kenmas hair which was put in a short ponytail.

"Ok bet accepted." Kenma said.

Kenma always had a short temper and he usually don't like kids but y/n kids are something else for him he love both of them like they are his younger siblings or even his children.

They started the fight, Miya took Jade for this match and Kenma took scorpion. To their surprise Kenma lost the match to miya.

"Yeah yeah heeeyyy. Uncle Kuroo I beat uncle Kenma." Miya yelled.

"You really did?" Kuroo looked at Kenma who rolled his eyes.

"Now let's go to my room I want to make up you." Miya said and Kenma got up.

"You want to WHAT Miya?"  Kuroo asked shock.

"Me and uncle made a bet and lost." Miya said simply and left to her room.

Kenma sat on Miyas bed waiting for her to do as she pleased. She braided the sides of his hair and retied them in a ponytail and put the front of his hair to the side and fix them with red bobby-pins.

She put a little mascara on his long lashes and clear lip gloss.

"You're done." She squealed.

"Um well thanks but I thought that you would put dark lipstick and eye shadows on me you gave me nearly a heart attack." Kenma said surprise of the light make up.

"You are naturally beautiful, you didn't need much make up." She said and smiled at him.

Kenma blushed at what she said and pulled her into a tight hug on his lap, she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged back.

They both came down to find the dinner ready on the table but Kuroo and Mike weren't there. They knew that they should wait for y/n and Suguru to come home and eat dinner together.

"Oh hey Kenma what do you think about the dinner?" Kuroo asked from behind him.

"The food looks delicious I hope that y/n and Suguru like them too." He said and turned around.

Kuroo was about to say something but his mouth remains agape without saying a word and blushed.

Miya sensed the situation and pulled her brother out of the kitchen by grabbing his ear. When they were out of the kitchen Kuroo leaned down and kissed Kenma.

Kenma grabbed the front of his hoodie and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. Their lips moving in sync and their tongues dancing with each other. After some minutes they pulled away and looked in each other eyes lovingly.

"I love you Kenma."

"Love you too Kuroo."

They heard the sound of key and then the door burst open. Y/n and Daishou came in and waved at them.

"Mommy, dady." The kids say while rushing to their side.

They greeted the kids lovingly while both Kuroo and Kenma watching from the side. Kuroo hugged Kenma from behind and put his chin on top of Kenmas head and Kenma leaned on him.

"Thank you two for taking care of them without making mess." Y/n said and hugged Kenma then kuroo.

Daishou thanked them and bro hugged kuroo.

"Mommy me and uncle kuroo made dinner." Mike said proudly.

"You didn't have to Kuroo." Y/n smiled at her best friend.

"You two were tired I couldn't let you make the food too." Kuroo said and all of them went to eat the dinner.

After the diner y/n said that she will clean the table so others can go and chill in living room. When she came in the living room a big smile spread all over her face.

Mike and Kuroo were sleeping on the floor while Mikes head was on kuroo arm, Miya was snuggling to Kenmas chest on the love seat both asleep and Daishou was asleep on the big sofa.

Y/n took a picture of them and then grabbed three blankets, put one on kuroo and Mike then push a pillow under kuroo head.

Put a blanket on Miya and Kenma, then snuggled into Daishou chest and pull the blanket on both of them. She looked once more at them then let the sleep take over her.

So hear is the bonus hope you guys liked it. Love you guys and take care💜💜💜

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