Chapter 24

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"Hi y/n welcome home." A boy with short blond hair greeted her.

"Hi honey how have you been?"

"Good." He hugged her and gave her a kiss on her lips.

"I made dinner, we don't have school tomorrow, so you can stay at my place." The boy said.


A woman with blond hair came and greeted them, she had ocean blue eyes just like the boy beside her.

"How is my favorite girl?" The woman asked.

"I'm good Su, thanks for asking."

"Your welcome sweetie and by the way you're going to a trip tomorrow right?"


"Well have a nice trip, stay for the night."

"Ok thank you for your hospitality."

They eat the dinner then y/n and the boy went to his room. He closed the door and pushed her to it and kissed her lips lovingly.

She kissed back and wrapped her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. He broke the kiss a kissed her neck, she let out a loud sigh and buried her head in his neck.

"I love you y/n."

"I love you too Mill."

They look in each other eyes and smile suddenly everything went black.

Y/n wake up from the dream panting and sweating like crazy. 'Shit was that a dream?' She thought and she felt a wave of headache hit her, she realized that it was the second hole of her memory.

"Hey princess you ok?" Daishou asked half asleep and touched her shoulder. She jumped from the touch but when she realized that it was Daishou she relaxed.

"It's nothing dear go back to sleep." She gave a week smile to him and drank the water in her glass on the nightstand.

"You're lying what is it?" He shift his position so he can look at her better "you remember something didn't you?"

Y/n just nod and leaned on him, and he started to brush her hair with his fingers.

"Tell me."


"Why? I want to help you."

"You're not going to like this one."

He looked at her with confusion but kissed her forehead and cupped her cheeks.

"Nothing will change, I promise you can trust me."

"I know but...."

"No buts tell me." He demanded a bit more serious.

"Ok I will but....., you have to let me make up my feelings I might need some time."

"I will, take your time."

"Ok you know that I had an ex - Matt - who Mika cheated on you with."


"I think I might had another boyfriend, but the deference is that I didn't hate him like Matt."

"I... well how do you feel now?" He said with a wave of sadness in his voice.

"I don't know."

"Did you love him?"

Y/n felt a feeling in her heart she know that she loved Mill but now she love Daishou.

"I did love him, a lot, but I love you much more Suguru." She cupped his cheeks in her hands and look at his eyes "I love you, I won't leave you if you still want me I promise."

"I don't want to loose you." He looked away.

"You won't."

"But your feelings can return if you see him or I don't know..."

"Suguru I don't even know were he is and if I know I will choose you over and over." She kissed his nose and he nod with worry.

"What is his name?"


"The memory that you remember, it's for when?"

"A day before the accident." She said with hesitation looked away and see that it's 3 in morning.

"Let's sleep princess."

She nod and both of them laid beside each other. Daishou wrapped his arms around her so tight as if she might disappear to dust. They both finally could sleep peacefully but this time without a dream.


The next morning y/n told about her dream and memories to Heline and Kuguri and Hiroo at lunch and Heline told Keiji about it too. Something was bugging Heline so she decided that she should tell y/n after all she deserves to know.

"Em y/n?"


"Actually Mill was looking for you a year ago and I told him that you didn't remember him and you need time." She took a breath "he really want to see you, he's studying at Nekoma."

"I will meet him but maybe some days later and definitely with Suguru." Y/n said and looked at her friends.

"Ok, I will tell him." Y/n nod and the bell rang they went to their classes.

Daishou was a bit anxious that she want to meet him but he couldn't blame her and he thinks that she need to know the people she knew before the accident, but he is scared at the same time.

He was a bit happy that at least she want to meet her ex with his company but he couldn't think about the possibilities that she might leave him.


They were now walking to y/n place Daishou wants to spend some time with her then go home, he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize that y/n put a cup of green tea in his hands.

"Suguru don't over think." She said and snapped him out of his thoughts.

"I wasn't."

"Liar." She sat next to him and run her fingers in the back of his hair and play with his baby hairs "I won't leave you for him, not now not in the future."

"I trust you, and if you want to leave I will understand because well you knew him before me and you were in love with him you still are, I'm not say I'm happy but I understand. Still I'm too selfish to let you go so I'm preparing myself."

"NO." She shout "you shouldn't prepare yourself, you don't need to. I love you don't you understand? If I wanted to leave you I would do it long ago. You're hurting me by thinking like that."


"Don't say anything. You don't trust me fully, but I love you." She said and she grabbed his hands.

She leaned and smashed her lips on his. She stroked his neck with the tip of her fingers and felt that he shivered to his touch. He grabbed her from under her knees and pulled her to his lap, she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepen the kiss and he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer if it is possible.

"I love you, I love you, I love you dear...." she whispered to him and leaned her forehead on his.

"I love you too, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I love you." Daishou said and pulled her to his chest and she snuggled to his neck.

"Don't leave me y/n."

"I won't, I promise. I'm all yours and just yours."

This time he connected their lips and kissed her with all of his heart. They both smiled to the kiss. That kiss showed that they can go through everything together.

Hey guys how have you been?

Please take care these days guys I live you all so much and I will write more these days just for you so thank you for reading and hope you enjoy 😉

Love you all💜💜


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