Chapter 14

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"How did you sleep." Y/n asked Daishou the minute she saw him.

"The best in years. What time is it?"

"2 in afternoon."

"WHAT? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You needed this rest Suguru and get ready we have the second court at 4 to 8."

"Ok." He was starting to go upstairs but she grabbed him.

"First eat your lunch." She pointed to the plate on the kitchen counter.

"It's too much."

"You will eat it all, don't make me feed you all of it." She glared at him.

"Maybe I want you to feed me." He smirked and she got red and looked away.

"Shut up and eat it up."


They were currently at the court waiting for the jury. Y/n was about to sat something to Daishou but the judge came in the court.


"We are here again for the sentence of the child abusing case. You may all sit now."

They all sit and the jury started to do some paperworks and whispering to each other, after two hours they were finished.


"The judgement of the jury. Daishou Nema and Daishou shinuke are guilty for chiled abusing and raping other underage children, their punishment is that they will be in jail for 20 years and his son will given to another family by  Will foster house."

"I object." The lawyer of his parents shouted.


"We didn't mention the child raping were did you found the references? My clients are innocent."

"I doubt it." The judge began " last night we received files that it said they were doing child raping for many years but they got out of jail by putting money. And the reference is the police."

Their lawyer jaw clenched it was obvious that he knew about the child raping.

"Who give you the papers?"

"Miss l/n." The judge said shortly.

"She is lying."

"No we check all of the cases and they were guilty. The punishment is stablished. End of the session."

Daishou was so happy but he was confused about the child raping and so sad. The big thing was, how did she get those files."

They sat in the SUV in silence. Y/n felt Daishous mood and decided that she need to know.

"Suguru is everything ok?"

"How did you get those files." He said directly.

"Oh so it's that." She took a deep breath "my father was a police I asked his colleagues if they could find some cases about your parents. Sorry I should have told you."

"No it's ok they had it coming. Thank you." She smiled at him and get back looking at the window.

They arrived at y/n house John said that they need to talk about the new family.

"So we found a family that we are going to meet them this Friday. They are both two years younger than your own parents and have a boy that is in his second year in Fukurodani. They all accepted you and want to see you sooner." Carie said with a smile.

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