Chapter 2

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(Third POV)

Y/N arrived home a couple of minutes later. After two hour or so she was so bored  so she decided to go out.

She wore a black ripped jeans with an oversized black hoodie, she let her brown hairs with icy tips fall on her shoulder. She grabbed her wallet and keys ant put on her black vanses then get out of the house.

She arrived at a store and decided to grab her favorite ice cream. She passed the lines and when she spotted her favorite flavor she stretched her hand to grab it but a hand collided with hers.

"Sorry." She said to the boy.

"No problem.... oh hi it's you." Daishou said with a smile to her.

"Hi again. Well it seems that your practice is over."

"Yeah, which one is your favorite?"

"Dark coffee."

"Shame mine is blueberry."

He was wearing a dark gray hoodie and black pants with gray vanses. 'Stylish' she thought.

He grabbed the coffee for her. She garbed her ice cream but Daishou hold the end of it and refuse to let go. She raised her eyebrows in question.

"I didn't get your name."

"Oh, it's (y/n)(l/n)."

"Nice to meet you again, Daishou suguru."

"I know."

"You know?"

"Yes one of your team mates told me your name, but he was to surprised to ask mine."

He laughed at her statement and took a side glance at her, she is beautiful with her long brown hairs and brown eyes. She is tall fore a girl but she is shorter than him.

"Do you mined if I company you?"

"Not at all it's nice not to be alone."

"You're totally different out of school."he was so surprised by her friendlyness "care to explain?"

"Well I'm not a really talkative person, it's hard for me to brake the ice with people, so it takes time for me. I prefer to talk formally with people that I don't know."

"I see, you scared the hell out of kuguri, but you seem more confident around boys than the girls in our school."

"Well I'm not that kind of girls who drool on every boy that I see."

He laughed then took another bite of his ice cream.

"I know somewhere nice want to come?" She said with her usual monotone.

"Out of character but sure."

"Hey I'm not that serious I can be nice, I will get so crazy around my friends, but I have meet you twice be patient it'll get better."

"Oook, but I can be a pain in the ass. I like annoying people around me." He said and shoot a smile at her.

"I know I heard it from kuroo."

"How do you know that pain in the ass kitty?" He frowned.

"His boyfriend is my best friend for years, and you are a pain in the ass too dear snakey." She laughed a bit.

'She should laugh more it suits her.' Daishou though but turn his attention to the topic.

"He is more."

"In my opinion you two can be best friend you have so much in common."

"No I would rather die than be friends with that kitty, and you don't know me much."

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