Chapter 16

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The next day y/n Tooru and Hajime spend most of their time together. They talked and played games. Most of the time y/n win and Tooru being his childish self, Hejime was laughing more and enjoying his time with his best friend and boyfriend.

At 6 o'clock y/n decided that she want to go to the graves, she usually spent 2 or 3 hours in the graveyard crying until her heart hurts.

"Guys I'm leaving."

"Do you want us to come too?" Iwaizumi asked worried.

"No thanks I need a bit time alone."

"Ok. Don't put much pressure on yourself y/n chan." Oikawa hugged her.

She left the house and stepped to the cold weather of fall, she arrived at a flower shop.

"Hi can I have a bouquet of red roses and a bouquet of lilies."

"Sure ma'am."

The boy hand her the bouquets and smiled she payed and left for graveyard. She arrived and took a breath then started to walk deeper in the graveyard. She found the graves and sit between them. She put the roses on her mother grave and the lilies on her father.

"Hi mom hi dad, how have you been?" A tear rolled on her cheek "probably better than me."

"What did you two think when you where leaving me alone?"

"Did you even think? Did you think what I've been through those five years?"

"Yeah I'm good now, but back then you have no idea what you make me through."

"I'm still trying to remember the holes in my memories the things that are blur or even black the things that I feel they are missed but I cannot remember."

"Yeah I'm good I'm mostly recovered I mostly remember but it doesn't mean that it doesn't pain me. It pains me it's eating me inside, and burning me to ash."

By then she was crying hard, her eyes were swollen and red. She could barley breath and she felt like that she has hit by a bus. It started to rain a bit hard.

"Ok by the way, I found a boy his name is Suguru, Daishou Suguru. He is sweet and cute, he is a good listener and loyal, but he is destroyed by his family let's just say that his parents are abusive and cruel. I managed to help him he is good now."

"I like him so much but I don't know how to tell him, I don't know if he like me or not." She let out a sad laugh "I wished that you were here to introduce him to you, but I will bring him here someday."

"Now he can experience parents love, the thing that I have missed for five years."

She laid on the wet grass between the two graves. After 3 hours her clothes were soaked and her body was cold as ice. She said her fer well to her parents and left the graveyard.

She got to Oikawas house 20 minutes later, she knocked and waited.

"Y/n? Why like this?" Iwaizumi said and pulled her in the house "Tooru bring blanket." He yelled.

Hajime took off her jacket and wrapped her in a blanket.

"Go take a hot shower you will catch a cold." She nod and went to shower.

After 20 minutes she was dresses and wrapped in a blanket. Oikawa was looking at her worried.

"Y/n chan why did you put so much pressure on yourself ? What did I told you."

"Believe me Tooru I needed it."

Hajime came and gave her a mug with green tea. She inhaled the scent and smiled 'it smells like him.' she thought and took a sip 'I wonder if his lips taste like this or not.'

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