Chapter 23

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Warning. This part contains make out a little it's not much but I thought that it's good for you to know so enjoy 😉


Three weeks past from that bitter experience Heline decided that she would move to her own house, surprisingly she was ok and was getting use to what had happened to her.

Keiji and Daishou also went back to their house but Daishou would visit y/n time to time. She was remembering things about her grandfather and grandmother more and more.

One hole from her memory was now full, it means that she should find the next three. She knew when she started to remember she would definitely remember the rest.

"Earth to y/n to." Daishou snapped his fingers in front of her eyes "what were you thinking?"

"Nothing special, did you say something?"

He took a step forward and stand In front of her "hey, don't stress yourself. Talk to me when you like this, what were you thinking?"

"Nothing really I was thinking that I might remember more." She said simply and he know that she isn't lying "what did you say?"

"I said that can I stay at your place tonight? My parents are out of town and Keiji has invited Bokuto. I don't want to interrupt or hear something you know." He said while continue to walking home with her.

"Sure." She laughed "did you bring clothes and other things?"

"Yes." He smiled at her and intertwined his fingers with hers.

She opened the door and let them both in, they went to her room to change their clothes she changed into a black oversized shirt that was hung low onto her shoulder and showed her wind tattoo on her collarbone and a light gray shorts.

She go out of the bathroom and find that Daishou was wearing a black shirt and gray sweatpants smiling at her, honestly that smile creeped her a bit.

"Uh, so we don't have homework what do you want to do?"

Daishou didn't answer just walked to y/n and grabbed her shoulders then pushed her on the bed. She was quite surprised because she is usually the one who would doing this.

"It's my turn." Daishou said and y/n knew exactly what he meant.

He towered her and put his hand on left side of her head and put the other on the back of her head in her hair. She was a bit shock so was out of words.

He pushed his lips on her and start to kiss her roughly, the kiss was rough but with so much emotion and lust at the same time. Y/n also couldn't hold more so she kissed back and gripped onto his shoulder tightly and crumpled  his shirt in her fists.

He slide his tongue on her bottom lip, she immediately opened her mouth the time that the tip of his tongue touched her lip and she pushed her tongue on his. Their tongues were fighting for dominant but this time Daishou won.

His tongue was traveling all around her mouth and touching her in every way while his hand was hooked in her hair and massage her scull and the other was on the hem of her shirt to pull it up a bit while continuing to kissing her.

He broke the kiss only to pull the shirt out of her body completely and leave her in her gray shorts. She didn't hesitate and pulled up his shirt immediately and took it off, both of them were in their shorts now.

He connected theirs lips again and she started to trace his muscular body with the tip of her fingers. The touch of the tip of her fingers sends shivers to his body. He leaned more on her and deepen the kiss.

She put her finger on his V-line and start to trace it down to hem of his shorts, she could feel his pulse on her finger. Daishou was so shock but still doesn't dare to broke the kiss but he backed away when he felt both of her fingers are on the both side of his hips on his V-line.

They looked at each other and knew that this isn't the right time to do something when they are under pressure, they didn't want do it just to scape from their sadness.

Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in another passionate kiss, he moved his lips to her neck and start to kiss and nipple on her neck.

"You are the only one for me princess." He whispered in her ear and bit the lobe of her ear.

She let out a quiet moan that made Daishou to smirk. He start to search for her sweet spot on her neck by kissing. He stoped on the certain spot when he heard that she gasped and her body tensed.

"I think I found you." He said on to her skin and smirked. He started to lick and making a noticeable hicky on her neck to mark his territory.

She let out a small moan then leaned up and put her lips on his collarbone bone and sucked on to his skin.

He trailed the kisses onto her collarbone while making hickies here and there, he bite the edge of her collarbone that made her yelp.


"What is it princess?"

She sighed and switched their positions swiftly, he hadn't the time to process what is happening. He came to his sense when her lips connected with his sweet spot immediately.

"Y-y/n shit...., you shouldn't..."

His words choked by y/n who bite his sweet spot so hard to leave a big love bite. She kissed his collarbone and made a hicky there.

She trailed her sloppy wet kisses on his muscular chest and bite there. She moved down little by little to kiss every inch of his body. She almost made a lot of bite marks and scratches on his body.

She kissed his V-line and started to make hickies on his V-line. She sensed that his body tensed up.

"Hey I'm not going to do anything, relax." She whispered and continued to make hickies on his line. His body slowly relaxed and let her do whatever she wants.

She moved up and kissed his lips again and slipped her tongue in his mouth while he slipped his in her mouth. They broke the kiss to breath, Daishou used this opportunity to switch their place and kiss her again.

After a few more minutes he broke the kiss and laid next to her. He looked at her body,she was in her bra and gray shorts and her bra band was off her shoulder and she had some hickies on her neck and chest but the other parts of her body that no one except Daishou can see was full of hickies, while Daishou body was full of love bites and red marks.

They locked eyes with each other and smiled.

"I love you princess."

"I love you too dear."

They kissed one last time and Daishou put the blanket on them while she turned on her side and let Daishou hug her from behind. He wrapped his arms around her waist from her back and nuzzled to her neck.

"Night Suguru."

"Night y/n. Sweet dreams."

They both fell asleep in each other arms but they don't know what can happen in the sleep.


Hey guys hope you enjoyed and sorry for waiting.

I love you guys and thank you for reading.

Have a nice day and take care 💜💜


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