Chapter 29

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It's beed a week since Daishou had some plans in his mind but he couldn't figure out what he should do. He obviously needs advice but he didn't know who could help him. After some thinking he call the most strangest person he could, Kuroo.

"What do you what snake?"

"Relax kitty I just need some advice."

"And why should I give YOU advice? Give me good reasons or I hung up."

"Since you are a close friend to y/n and you know more than me about love and this shit of things I called you."

"Soo it's about N/n?"

"You do have a nick name for her?" Daishou got a bit jealous.

"Chill snake she is my friend for so long and yes I do now answer my question."

"Yes it's about, y/n."

"Ok, meet me at my place at one I will send the location for you now."

"Ok thanks."

"Say it one more time, I didn't hear you."

"Don't push it kitty."

"Ok, ok geez." Kuroo chuckled a bit and hung up.

After some minutes Daishou received the location, he looked at the clock and saw that it's 11 so he had two hours to pack the final stuff and go to kuroo so he can move the last things to his new house after meeting Kuroo.

Y/n will be at company with Keiji until 6 in the afternoon for their new collection and photo shoots so he can do all the stuff he should do.


Daishou was now standing in front of a white house with maroon door, he checked the number to be sure that he came to the right address, he pressed the bell and waited.

"Hey, snake you came on time." Kuroo said and stepped aside and let Daishou in.

"Hi kitty, thanks for the invitation, you have a nice house." Daishou take off his shoes and entered.

"It's ok my mom is out of town so make yourself comfortable." Kuroo gave him a cup of caramel coffee.

"Wow you can be nice." Daishou said surprised.

"Yes, and before we got to business I wanted to say that we should put our old crap aside, maybe we can be friends, for y/n sake."

"I like to try that Kuroo."

"Good call me Tetsuru, let's go to my room and see what you want to do."

Daishou followed Kuroo upstairs and they both sat on the bed, aside from his messy appearance he really had nice room and comfortable aura.

"Ok say Suguru what do you want to do?"

"I want to propose to her."

"Ok let's..... WAITE WHAT?"

"Yeah I myself am surprised, but I want to marry her."

"Ok when you called I really didn't see that coming, but honestly I'm happy to help."

"Thanks, I got the ring but I don't know how and where I should propose this to her."

"Ok when do you want to propose?"

"End of the week."

"Ok in my opinion reserve a nice table in a nice restaurant I will let you choose what restaurant you would take her but remember that she like outside tables and sitting in a quiet place. You should be at the restaurant at 7 so we can do the rest of the things when it's dark."

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