Chapter 18

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Three days later the practice was so weird. The girls team didn't jump much they didn't do jump serves and much running and they have more breaks.

The boys were surprised by this action and somehow terrified because they got more aggressive, they would shout and fight a lot.

They all were sitting in a row near a wall when Heline came in the gym her eyes got wide and she raised her eyebrows.

"All of you are like this?"

"Yeah." y/n answers tired.

Heline looked at Robby their manager and she nod.

"We all get it together, I'm like them too but mine is minor than them."

"Oh god it's gonna be a rough week." Heline face palmed herself.

Boys still didn't know what was going on and decided not to question it now because girls would definitely hit them or go into the fight with them.

Y/n was so grumpy she tried her best not to shout, Daishou was a bit annoyed that she answers his questions shortly.

They were eating lunch so quietly suddenly Mika came to them. She immediately grabbed Daishous arm and kissed his neck. He pushed her off immediately.

"What the fuck Mika?"

"You never pushed me away what did that bitch did to you?" Mika yelled and glared at y/n.

Y/n had enough of her in this past few weeks. She stands up and slapped Mika in the face hard, she took two steps back with tear in her eyes. Then y/n grabbed her collar and pulled her up to her eye level.

"Call me bitch one more time, I will show you what a bitch can do." She hissed and pushed her down.

Everyone were so scared of her. Mika ran out of cafeteria and Heline put her hand on y/n shoulder.

"Calm the fuck down."

"Ok sorry I couldn't take her anymore after these few weeks."

"Ok. Sorry guys we need to leave." Heline said and drag y/n out of cafeteria. She hand y/n a bar of chocolate which she started to munch on it immediately while being dragged behind Heline.

"What's up with the girls today?" Hiroo asked confused.

"Don't know but Mika need that slap." Kuguri said in monotone and received sharp glared from Hiroo and Daishou.

The girls went to bathroom and did their necessaries. Y/n was splashing water in her face to calm her nerves when she received a message.

Dear Suguru
Are you still going to come to my house?

Yes dear.

The answer was short but at least Daishou knew he can find what's going on with her.

They were walking silently to Daishous house, he opened the door and let both of them in. They were greeted by Keiji who has came home 5 minutes earlier than them.

"Hi you two."

"Hi Keiji." Suguru respond and y/n nod. Keiji immediately get the bad mood vibe.

"Um y/n do you mind if I speak with my brother alone." Keiji asked, y/n shurged and head to Daishous room to chang in a comfortable clothes.

"What's up Keiji."

"She is in a bad mood isn't she?"

"Yeah, do you care share your experience?"

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